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Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Anne... with an E

Originally Posted 8/14/14 8:11 PM PDT

Hello Dreamers,

I just went to library and picked up the entire Anne of Green Gables series (all 8 or whatever-it-is books). While I'm super excited to read them, I'm slightly afraid for my childhood.
I'm afraid that the movies I grew up with wont live up to the books and it'll be Percy Jackson all over again... (Or vise versa... but when does that ever happen? Um, never.)

So yeah.

I can't really explain it. It's like my attachment to this story is so... deep I can't... loose it. It's like my OTS (Official Top Story... or something). It's just so. beautiful.

Guys I can't even. I love them too much. Please don't ruin my oldest OTP. (Can't believe I'm afraid to trust in a book, but I'll trust the movies... I'm so weird sometimes.)

Anyway, here's to the Anne in my life. (*cough* Pearl, that's you *cough*) Stubborn. Beautiful. Genius. Brilliant. Clever. A kindered spirit. And my bosom friend. (*shivers* that word is spelled weird) (Not to mention the red hair...) It works. Don't even say that it doesnt. ;)

I'm off to read now. *guysi'msoscared*

~ Aloisa Quintal
Haha. Saw this while looking for a quote and thought it was hilarious.
Well now I have no other choice...

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