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Wednesday, September 10, 2014

For the Record...

Originally Posted 7/29/14 7:17 AM PDT

Hello Dreamers,
(I'm aware that most of you didn't get to see my last post from yesterday yet, but this post can't wait any longer. I've discovered new and exciting information and I just can't keep it to myself.)

If you read the comments (and a few of the posts) on this blog, you know that Pearl and I have committed ourselves to the theory that Tom (the Tom from Sherlock) is actually Sebastian Moran, Moriarty's right hand sniper. Well, recently after a bit research I came across a few other dedicated fans who are beginning to think the same thing (they do actually exist, Pearl... I just found out.). Here's why:

We have actually seen a sniper. A shadowy sniper, but a sniper nonetheless. Don't look at me like that. Think about it. Moriarty and Sherlock are on the roof, and Moriarty does what? Threatens all of his friends. So what do we get shots of? A sniper loading a gun and pointing it at John. (We actually see many snipers I think, but the John one specifically...) AND, if you compare two images like this:

What do you get? More proof for the Evil Tom theory. I mean just LOOK at that!!!!!

What more do you need?

~Aloisa Quintal

I was looking up a quote to put here and not surprisingly, I came across a theory that Tom Hiddles will be playing Sherlock and Mycroft's other brother (the one that Mycroft mentioned in the last episode) in season 4. Apparently, Moffat and Gatiss haven't denied it, but of course they're keeping quiet about it. It's about as likely as seeing Loki in the second Avengers movie, but I just thought I'd mention it.

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