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Tuesday, August 6, 2013

That Moment When....

Hey Guys,

So I was messing around with some pictures and my editing program and I came up with this posterish thing. Hope you like!

BTW, I'm going to go see Percy Jackson: The Sea of Monsters tomorrow!!!! I'll let you know what I think!!!! SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (And a post about Sherlock is coming soon I promise)
~ Aloisa Quintal


  1. EPP!!! I've heard it is really good, better than the first!!! I am trying to find time, and money, to see it myself. I cannot wait for your review!

  2. Woooooh, me likey. Especially the excessive amounts of a certain Richard A. Oh, and I like Mordred's black armor.

    And I like Khan.

    And I like Morgana.

    Yeah, I tend to root for bad guys.....

    Especially bad guys who look this good. :)

    1. Hehe, yeah...

      Now you know how it came out. :P
