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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

A Poster for Donna...

Hey Guys,

So I actually have had this made for a couple of weeks now, and I just haven't gotten around to posting it. So here's Donna's poster:

Basically, Donna was SUPER annoying in the beginning but got better as she spent more time with the doctor. Which made her being turned back to the way she was in the beginning, REALLY SAD!!!! Because Donna got better with the doctor! And now she doesn't even remember him! Grrrr..... It was probably Stephen Moffat who pitched that idea....

Donna is still my least favorite out of all the companions so far...But she wasn't terrible.

So yeah...We're now watching the 5th season so I'll have much to talk about when I get to the end of this one.

~ Aloisa Quintal


  1. It makes me happier than it should that you've developed a strong dislike of Steven Moffat. Like a true BBC fangirl.....

    Another absolutely fantastic poster. But there's no surprise there. :)

    1. Haha, yes I've begun to think of my own Meme's to describe him. Basically at the end of the episode "The Pandorica Opens" (the second to the last episode of season five...) I was yelling at him. :( I'm going to finish the second part of that episode tonight...we'll see how it ends. *prays for happy ending*

    2. So, this is unconnected, but are you planning on putting Sherlock in your list of fandoms on the side, and/or writing a post about him?

    3. Absolutely!!!!!!!!! As soon as I get a chance... :P
