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Friday, August 9, 2013

Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters: Movie Review

Hey Guys!

So like you all heard, I went to go see Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters last Wednesday. (Which was the day it came out actually) Well, now I'm reviewing it. Before I start, you should know that the Percy Jackson books are probably my all time favorite books. You should also know that I absolutely hated the first movie. I'm not going to go into why because it would turn into an angry rant. Go read the books and then watch that movie. You'll understand why. 

I went into the theater REALLY REALLY excited because I had seen the trailers and it looked like the writers and directors were at least attempting to follow the books. So my hopes were high. 


I'm not going to say that my hopes were crushed. Because the movie was actually pretty good. Up till the last ten or twenty minutes, I was actually seriously fan girling over the movie. (I'll explain the last couple minutes later...) 

Percy Jackson lives at the only place safe for half bloods, Camp Half-Blood. (I'm not going to give the super long back story...) However, when Thalia's tree that protects the borders of the camp from monsters gets poisoned, a quest is issued to Clarisse daughter of Ares to find the Golden Fleece and return it. Percy, Annabeth, Tyson and Grover (Yes I know that Grover wasn't there in the books, but the story was changed slightly) sneak out to retrieve it themselves. Which is against the rules since they weren't issued the quest. Basically the movie is all about their quest they go one to save the fleece.

What if I'm a die-hard fan to the books?!?!: 
Well, the truth is that I was willing to allow certain adjustments to the plot line of the movie. For instance, Percy seems like he's more of a year round camper and the movie doesn't start with him at school. For that reason, Tyson and him meet in a different way. Grover is also still at camp because he never left to go find Pan in the first movie. Personally, I saw this as the new producer having to clean up the plot line after the first movie, so I mentally allowed those plot twists. So really it depends if you are willing to cope with those twists or not. There were a couple other things like they meet Hermes at an OPS (or UPS) store rather than on the beach, ect ect, but the basic story stayed the same. You didn't have them trying to find three pearls that were all over the United States that btw, didn't exist in the book. This movie was much more true to the books than that. 

What do you mean you liked it "till the last ten or twenty minutes"??:
Oh yeah...right. I'm giving this section a spoiler alert because like I said, it is the last 20 minutes of the movie, and I will also be comparing to the last section of the book. So if you are planning to see the movie and you don't want it spoiled, skip to the next section. 
It ends with them rescuing Grover and the Fleece from the cyclops just like they should when all of a sudden Luke shows up revealing his master plan and how he was going to use the fleece to make Kronos rise. That's supposed to happen on the cruise ship not the island, but I figured it didn't make that much of a difference right? Right. Well, then the weird part happens. See they're still on the island so they havent' sent Clarisse off to camp with the fleece they still have the fleece. And Luke takes the fleece and lays it on the coffin that's holding Kronos. And well, the fleece does what the fleece is supposed to do because a certain character *cough* Percy *cough* was too busy hugging Tyson to PULL THE FLEECE OFF!!!!!!! *Sighs* So Kronos rises. Yup. You read that right. Kronos rises. Even though that's not supposed to happen until the FOURTH book. And he's supposed to be rising in Luke. Here he's just a big monstery type thing. 
Now, they defeat him (WAY too easily in my opinion), so it doesn't change the long term story that drastically, but you can understand why I was not happy about that little section at the end. 

I think it was a good movie. And I'm happy with the writers, directors and producers for attempting to keep the story true to the books. I'm willing to call in an adaptation of my favoritest books ever. However, it's never going to be the book. It's never to going to be my Percy Jackson. And I guess I'm willing to be happy with it being an adaptation and not my books. No movie was ever going to be perfect (though I think they could've made this one better) but this one was alright. 
Plus I've gotta say, Rainbow the Hippocampus was AMAZINGLY done! I can't even tell you how amazing that animation was. It was AWESOME! The movie is worth going to just to see that scene. It was EPIC! 

What am I rating it?:
Well...I really don't know. Because of that end part, I guess I have to give it a lower rating...
I'm going to give it 7/10 because it's somewhere in the middle, but on the higher end. Simply because I'm not really sure where to put it... I think that most people will put it lower than mine but I think that since I'm such a fan of the books I'm probably going to be somewhat of an optimist... 
~ Aloisa Quintal
Hermes: "The best TV show ever. So naturally it got taken off the air." 


  1. One question-- Was Tyson bigger than Percy? He's supposed to be a giant.

    1. Yeah he was. Probably somewhere around a head taller. So tall, but maybe not exagerated enough...

  2. One question-- Was Tyson bigger than Percy? He's supposed to be a giant.

  3. Hey Alosia/bluecandydice. I don't know if you remeber me from school but I'm Lone from NaNo. And you are officaly on my crazy list. HOW COULD YOU SEE PERCY JACKSON BEFORE ME!?!? Okay, I'm a fangirl, not a screaming fangirl, just a fangirl. I can't wait for House of Hades! I want to see the movie sooooooo........ooooooooo.oooooo.... bad!!!!!!! Lone is out! Oh, could you tell me how to make on of these fancy dancy blogs?

    1. Hi Lone!

      Nice to hear from you again!

      The blogs are really user friendly, there are bunch of tutorial and stuff to make it really easy. Just go onto Blogger .com....
