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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Croods: Review

Hey Guys!

So I finally got to see the Croods. (Again with Pearl Clayton) And to be completely honest, I wasn't expecting much. The trailers from the movie looked slightly bizarre with some humor, and honestly I was expecting a lot of crude humor. Just because well, I guess because of the name of the movie. Which is I know, judging a book by it's cover. Shame on me. There also looked like there was going to be very strong theme of evolution that I wasn't super excited about...

However, on the contrary I was pleasantly surprised.


Basically there is this family of cave men (sorta where the evolution thing kicks in) that live (obviously) in a cave. You can tell from the trailer, that the dad never lets them leave the cave unless they're hunting or something because it's dangerous. Well the girl, Eep, does. And she meets this guy (who's name is Guy) that say's the world is ending. *dun dun dun!!!* (Hahaha I just made a reference.) Anyway, Guy seems to be slightly more regular and human than the Croods. Which throughout the movie, is hilarious. So they go on this journey with Guy to escape the world ending.

My Assessment:

The main plot was rather....odd. It didn't make much sense and the ending...I still don't understand. However, like I said, the imagery was AMAZING! The animation was gorgeous. The other thing was that it was hilarious! This is one of those movies that you can watch and just have a laid back good time.

Content Advisory:

I really have no idea what to put here. Because it's a PG movie and I really didn't notice anything odd. So yeah.

Anyway, it's a pretty good movie that is fun for a family movie night. There were several occasions where I was laughing too hard to even care what was happening anymore.

Official Rating: 6/10 (The story just didn't make much sense...)

~ Aloisa Quintal

Gran: "Where do you get these ideas?"
Guy: "Ah Ha! I'm calling it, a brain. I'm pretty sure it's where ideas come from."
Thunk: "Dad, I don't have a brain!"

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