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Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Star Trek: Into Darkness Review

Hey Guys!

So I went to go see Star Trek: Into Darkness on Saturday with one of my awesomest friends ever. (Pearl Clayton) And I must say, this movie was really awesome. Like basically in one word: Epic.

Synopsis: (Be wary of spoilers in this section)

Basically, Captian Kirk and the Enterprise are on a mission to explore unknown space areas. They come across this planet with these aliens that are about to be destroyed by a volcano that's going to errupt at any moment. So Spock heads into the volcano to attempt to freeze the lava using a gadget that I don't remember the name of, (haha...sorry) while Bones and Kirk distract the aliens on the planet. The only trick, it's against the rules for the Enterprise or anyone from the Enterprise to be seen by the aliens. To make a long story short, Kirk ends up having to save Spock's life, but in the process, the aliens see the Enterprise.

Kirk gets into trouble for breaking the rules, and the Enterprise is taken away from him. Captain Pike takes the Enterprise back under his control with Kirk as his First Officer. Through a complicated series of events, Captain Pike encounters a certain misfortune, and Kirk is given back the Enterprise. Kirk now sets out to basically get revenge on the causer of this misfortune. And that's basically the beginning of the main plot...

My Assesment:

The movie was done incredibly well, and the script was fantastic. (Ha! I used that word!) I'm told, (though I've never seen the original Star Treks) that it also had some very epic references to the original Star Trek series. I myself panicked (basically hyperventilated for about 10 minutes) when Noel Clarke (Micky Smith from Doctor Who) came on screen. Haha, that was awesome. Which I'm sure for all you Sherlock fans, seeing Benedict Cumberbatch was even more exciting. (Still need to see those...)

I found myself absolutely questioning how to movie was going to end and I'll admit they had me fooled for a little while. Sorta realized how much I liked a couple of characters.

Spock was AMAZING! I love it when he gets emotional. My friend said that it's like he doesn't have any inbetween. He's either completely not emotional or he's REALLY emotional. He's just so cool!!!

AND I LOVE SCOTTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AND I LOVE CHEKOV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Content Advisory:

Some how I don't think Kirk is ever going to loose that whole "playboy" thing. So there are two scenes I can think of specifically that aren't great for small children. One where he's messing around with two girls who are some kind of alien. Somewhat like the first movie, though I found this one less awkward. Not sure exactly why...
There's also a scene with a girl who's changing clothes and Kirk turns around before she's finished *rolls eyes* You don't see anything (obviously, it's PG-13), it's basically like she's wearing a swimsuit. Still it's awkward.

There's also a little bit of bad language. Mostly the 'S' word... There's actually a lot of moments where a character is about to curse, but doesn't finish because they change scenes. They edit it in a certain way that makes it kinda funny...

Anyway, totally worth your time and money though! Loved this movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's official rating is going to be 8/10.

~ Aloisa Quintal


  1. A marvelous review! Hehe..... Sorry, this movie just makes me happy. :)
    And hooray for Scotty and Chekov! :D

    1. I know!

      Apparently non of my other friends are geeky about Star trek...Hmmm

    2. Their loss.
      "Oh, if it isn't Captain James Tiberius Perfecthair! (Did you hear that? I called him Perfecthair.)"

  2. Woah haven't been on here in a while. waaa. Anyway, this actually looks interesting. But I highly doubt I could twist NJtB's arm enough to get her to see a movie that is SO sci-fi. XD We'll see though. Maybe when it comes out on DVD.

    1. Haha, well you'll have to tell me if you get to see it or not!!!!!!

  3. Hannah hasn't even seen Sherlock yet and she almost choked and died when she saw Cumberbatch in the Star Trek commercial at The Hobbit...

    And she's right. It will take some serious bribing for me to want to see this.

    1. Hahaha! I nearly die a lot now I think....Just from seeing actors playing different characters. LOL!
