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Monday, March 4, 2013

The Hobbit Countdown: 15 DAYS!!!! & Oz the Great and Powerful

First, I'm going to start off by saying that

Now, if you could read the runes from the Hobbit, you would know that this says:

*15 second dance party!*

*screams* YEEEEEEHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't wait to watch the Hobbit on my own TV screen! Yikes!!!!!!!

Second, I'm going to talk about another movie that's coming out: Oz the Great and Powerful.
Obviously, this movie is about a man named Oz, who is from Kansas, and who eventually ends up in a magical land. (He's more commonly known as "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz") I'm SUPER excited about this movie!!!! Okay, go watch the trailer.
It's cool because it looks like they're sticking with the whole "black and white in Kansas" thing!
And he gets there in a hot air balloon!!! (Go listen to "Hot Balloon - Owl City. GREAT song!!!)
It looks like he becomes friends with the bad girls in the beginning!!! *crowd gasps* (The Evil Witches)
This movie looks REALLY good. And the good news is that it's PG! Which means there wont be a bunch of junk in it! YAY!!!!!!!
So yeah. I'm waiting for this movie too. Official release date is: March 8th. This Friday.
So yeah I guess that's it. To make this countdown official, here's a video for you to watch! :-P

~Aloisa Quintal

"Why the halfling?"
"Why Bilbo Baggins? Perhaps it is because I am afraid, and he gives me courage."


  1. Please, Aloisa, it's 5-second dance party. Although I suppose I see why you did 15 seconds. I love the picture/video thing, by the way. I've always thought that Gandalf didn't fistpump enough in the movies. :)

    I can't decide how I feel about Oz The Great and Powerful. It seems weird that one of the good witches is his love interest. Also, since the trailer implies he's going to fight the Wicked Witch of the West, there're really only three potential endings: 1, He loses and it's depressing, 2, He wins, thereby going so far away from the book it's not even funny, or 3, Something so random happens it's not even predictable.

    Sorry. I guess I'm kind of long-windedly raining on your parade. You'll have to go see it and review it on here so I can make a more educated guess about my level of enthusiasm for it. :)

    1. PS. Yay for Owl City! Hot Air Balloon is one of my very favorite songs of his. <3

    2. Haha, I knew I had the 15 seconds wrong! :P

      Well, I guess we'll just see. It almost looks like the bad witch is his love interest for a while...I guess he must lose. Otherwise it wouldn't make any sense why Dorothy is fighting the evil witch. Hm...How disappointing. :(


  2. *laughs so dang hard at that Hobbit clip* *deep breath* Oh my. My, my, my. You should have seen me in the theater. BOTH TIMES, I was absolutely gasping for breath because I was laughing so hard at that part. MARTIN FREEMAN NAILS THE BILBO FACES. SO FUNNY!!! "YOU have parasites!!!!" XD

    As for Oz, I kind of agree with Pearl. Looks a little on the weird side for me. And sort of steampunky...which I'm not sure I would like. Not that I like The Wizard of Oz regular one anyway. :-P I do like the little (actually it was really big but anyway) picture book of The Wizard of Oz that we used to have before it got dropped in the bathtub. At least I think that's what happens.


    1. Haha, Apparently I'm alone in my hopes for this movie. I think I tend to be overly optimistic when it comes to waiting for movies. For instance I'm actually kind of *completely hestantly and despited my better knowledge* excited to see what the new director does to the second Percy Jackson movie. Even though I know it's going to be just as awful as the first one. WHY do I have to watch my favorite book series get murdered for a THIRD time?!?!?!?!?!

    2. I miss spelled hesitantly...
