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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The Hobbit: Officially # 1

I saw the Hobbit last weekend. And.....
*prepare for fan girl rant*
*Takes deep breath*

Basically The Hobbit was the best movie I have seen all year. Probably for MANY years.

In the beginning the filming was slightly odd. I'm not sure if it was the theater I was in (It's not the nicest theater ever to exist) or if it was the more frames per second thing, but sometimes (mainly in the beginning) it seemed like the camera moved slightly too fast. However, my eyes adjusted within like 2 minutes.

It followed the book pretty well. There are some characters that really aren't mentioned in the book, but are in the movie. (For instance the Pale Orc plays a HUGE role in the movie whereas he is killed before the Hobbit story really even starts in the book. There is an AWESOME scene where Thorin tries to kill the orc and it's really AWESOME!!!!!)

Thorin was AMAZING! I was having a heart attack when the movie started. I kept thinking, "Oh my gosh I can't believe I'm ACTUALLY sitting in a movie theater watching the Hobbit!!!!!!" I don't want to give anything away so....Hm...

They did a GREAT job with giving all of the 13 dwarves different personalities. I still don't know all their names...I'm trying I really am...But they still did an amazing job with them.

I really can't think of anything else I should mention. EXCEPT! Go watch it! You'll regret waiting for it to come out on Redbox or something. You have to watch it NOW!!!!

Anyway The Hobbit gets a 9.9999999 out of 10. (Had to take something away for the slight deviation from the book. )

~ Aloisa Quintal


  1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Agreed on everything. :-) I LOVED THIS MOVIE SO MUCH! And I just love how Peter Jackson gave us second generation LOTR geeks have a movie to see on the big screen. :-)

    And as for the dwarves (this will be all from memory, I promise ;-)):

    Thorin Oakenshield
    Fili and Kili
    Oin and Gloin
    Dori, Ori, and Nori
    Bifur, Bofur, and Bombur
    Balin and Dwalin

    Ta DA!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-D

    Hahaha. And I love your rating. That cracked me up. XD

    And I loved how they had a bigger subplot with the Necromancer! They have it in the book, but not as I'm glad they used that to tie into the other movies plus make geeks....geek out. :-)

    1. I know! He totally gave us something to geek over! I will love him for ever!

      Impressive on the dwarves names! Honestly, I really haven't done a real review since The Hunger Games. IDK, maybe I just think that it's pretty obvious that the Hobbit was epic. :P

  2. The scene with the pale orc and Thorin and Bilbo is amazing, I agree!! (I also loved the rock giants. I almost cry when Fili and Kili are separated.) And the Riddles in the Dark, loved that one. "If Baggins looses we eat him whole." "Fair enough."
    "Whats it got in its nasssty little pocketssss?!"

    Glad you liked it!!

    1. I know! Fili and Kili are awesome! That part where they get separated is like "NO!!" Haha Anyway...
