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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Rise of the Guardians: Review

Hey Guys,
Guess what!!!!! I got to see Rise of the Guardians last Saturday. And can I just say. WOW. This movie was really beautiful, amazing, gorgeous, heartfelt, real, and every other thing a movie should be. It wasn't what I thought it was going to be. It was better. People were clapping at the end. (I have a qualm about clapping at the ends of movies unless I thought it was REALLY good, so I didn't clap, but it was REALLY good.)

The movie is about a boy named Jack Frost who doesn't remember anything from his childhood/past. He remembers when he became Jack Frost, but he doesn't know why he was made into Jack Frost. All he knows is that the Moon made him that way. Anyway, Jack Frost gets taken to the north pole by the Guardians and finds out about a villain called Pitch (The Boogie man). Basically the movie is about this battle with Pitch. However, you really can't put the movie that simply.

I left the theater feeling totally awe struck. It was freezing cold, but I didn't care. (Jack Frost made the cold. :-) ) I looked for the moon. I couldn't find it because the clouds were covering it. *Groan*
Anyway, it was a REALLY good movie and you REALLY need to see it.

As I thought about it, I sort of came up with something I could take away from the movie. In the beginning of the movie, Jack was created by the Moon. He didn't understand why or how, but he was created. He waits for a REALLY long time before he finally discovers why he was created and who the Moon created him to be. And when he finds out why he was created, he embraces his destiny (so to speak) and charges into the battle with Pitch head first. At the very end of the movie he says, "My name is Jack Frost, and I'm a guardian. How do I know that? Because the moon told me. So when the moon tells you something, BELIEVE IT."

God made us. At first, we don't know why God made us or who he created us to be. However, eventually we discover who God wants us to be. And then we have a choice. We either believe what he's telling us and become who he made us to be, or we resist him and say, "But I want to be this!" And then we don't discover the infinate beauty of the thing we were meant to be. Jack was meant to be a guardian. And when he did become a guardian, he ends up saving lives/the world. Jack is much happier in the end then he was in the beginning. Because he belonged somewhere and he knew who he was supposed to be. He didn't feel meaningless.

So just imagine what would happen if you became the thing you were meant to be. And next time, when God tells you who you're meant to be. Believe him.

~ Aloisa Quintal
"So when the moon tells you something, believe it."


  1. Aw, I love this movie! I've seen it twice and hope to go again before it is out of theatre. It is just such a fun and magical story, and I love Bunny - and North, and Jack of course. It is now one of my favourite movies.

    1. I hope I get to see it more than once!! The only movie we'll probably be buying is the Hobbit...So I think I'm out of luck... :D

  2. I'm like, crying, almost, cause that was beautiful, and that's awesome that that was in the movie, because that certainly seems to have Christiany implications (and also because I'm being consumed by jealousy that you got to see it and I haven't seen it yet and your stupid review has made me want to see it, like, a gazillion times more).

    1. Haha, don't cry on me. You'll get to see it. Just wait for the Hobbit. It will be a million times better. :P

  3. *laughs at Pearl* Hahaha. ;-)

    Ditto everything you said, AQ. This movie is unbelievable. I want to see it again, too... But I think I will satisfy myself with The Hobbit. *starts shaking uncontrollably in anticipation* ;-)


  4. This movie has a VERY special place in my heart. Not just cause it was absolutely beautiful and all of the Guardians were amazing, but because God used it to speak to me at a hard point in my life. He totally uses movies! I love God to much.
    And excellent post! I love that I'm not the only one who loves that movie <3
