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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Wreck It Ralph and Arthur Christmas: Reviews and more Reviews

Hey Guys!
So I went to go see Wreck It Ralph. And I'd say that it was an o.k. movie. It was a good kids movie that didn't really have any objectionable things in it!!! YAY! That's always a good sign with movies.

So this is probably going to be a pretty short review... It wasn't very funny as you would expect a kids movie to be. But it was cute and had a pretty good message about living as yourself and being friends to those who are "weird". So we got a score for the weirdos!!!! The relationship between Fix It Felix and Sergeant Calhoun (Pearl Clayton, I swear they stole this name from you.) was kinda weird...mostly because he was WAY shorter than her, but it was cute too. So I'm giving it an like a 6.0 out of 10.0... Good movie, but wasn't over the tops or anything. Nothing that was really memorable... The Owl City song at the end probably got this movie a higher rating...Just cuz I love OC!!! (Especially that song)

I also saw Arthur Christmas...Yes I know this movie is kinda old, but I never got to see it when it came out so...Ya.

I was expecting a stupid Christmas movie. That's kinda what it was, but it was a FUNNY stupid Christmas movie. My dad and I couldn't stop laughing at the "Grand Santa" and his old reindeer that he brought everywhere. It was kinda cool to see a main character that was totally quirky and somewhat funny alone... So this is probably one of my favorite "modern" cartoon movies... (Meaning it's now on a list of two with Megamind...) It wasn't as quotable as Megamind...But it was still fun. I think maybe I'm giving it too high of a rating, but as far as good "modern" kids movies go, there aren't many. It gets a 8.0 out of 10.0.

Because this post wouldn't be complete with out it... :D

Aloisa Quintal
"And they used to think it was impossible to teach woman to read." (That was probably the best quote from Arthur Christmas) :P


  1. Sergeant Calhoun does kinda sound like something I'd name a character, doesn't it? Hmmmm....

    Drat flammit, I want to go see these movies now. Stop writing such tantilizing reviews! ;)

    1. I thought so...

      Why? I didn't give them very good ratings!!! I'd suggest Arthur Christmas out of the two though...If I still have it in Redbox when we see each other we could watch it...Then you can tell me if I'm absolutely insane for thinking it was hilarious. :P

    2. I'm partly interested because they weren't glowing praise. I want to see what you mean when you say Wreck-it Ralph wasn't all that funny, and see if I agree with your ratings. I want to have deep critical conversations with you about these movies. Do you see what I mean?

    3. Yeah that makes sense....I'm probably being too critical of Wreck It Ralph. However, I guarantee that it wont stick with me. Therefore, it doesn't get a high rating. :P

  2. Haha! Good reviews, Aloisa! :-)

  3. Ah, I love funny stupid Christmas movies. It's my favorite movie genre. So I guess I'll watch Arthur Christmas at some point. Wreck It Ralph, on the other hand... Well, I saw the commercials and I'm not that interested. And from your review... Let's just say I can only justify wasting my time on funny stupid Christmas movies. ;-)

    1. Sounds like a good judgement... :D
