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Monday, November 5, 2012

The Rise of the Guardians: A Movie to Watch For....

Hey guys!
So, most of you have probably seen commercials for the Rise of the Guardians...If not, go watch it right now. :D

First off, Jack Frost looks epicly awesome!
Second, the Easter bunny looks awesome!
Third, Santa looks....awesome, but much different than I ever imagined him...You know the tattoos and everything...
Fourth, the tooth fairly looks weird.
Fifth, who the heck is Sand man? I've never heard of this? Has anyone else? Perhaps I just need to be educated.

The villain looks creepy, and it looks like it has kind of a deep message thing going on. Like the whole, "You can't fight fear Jack..."

Anyway, I'll be watching for this movie as well. And it should be coming out soon, so hopefully I'll be able to give you guys another movie review! Yay!

BTW, Owl City did a song for Wreck It Ralph called When Can I See You Again? and it's a really cool song, and it just happens to fit my book. So I'm happy! (Hint hint, you should go listen to it :P) I'll let you guys know when I see Wreck It Ralph...

~ Aloisa Quintal


  1. Ahhhgg! Owl City! ^_^
    Pretty much all I listen to. Plus I kind of sort of sometimes stalk his blog. =D
    Oh cool! I love it when you find a good theme song for your novel.

    God bless!

    1. I LOVE Owl City! I've been listening to him NON stop lately...Kinda crazy...

  2. YAYYYYYY!!! Can't wait for this movie. :-D

    I will listen to the Owl City song soon.

    Sandman is the protector of sleep--I think he's the guy that supposedly gives good dreams. :-D So yeah, that is coming from the little knowledge I weaned from the movie trailer and the books. :-)

    I so can't wait for this movie to come out!

    1. Gotcha. I had no idea there was such thing as Sandman. Good to know... There are books?!?! I MUST read them!

    2. Yeah, there are books. I only read #1. I don't know if the movie follows the books too much...but the general idea is the same. Plus the illustrations are fantastic.

      This is the link to the first one on Amazon:

      Anyway, it's a really easy read and a pretty fun read too! I don't know if I'll finish the series (have so much on my reading list right now....) but anyhow! :-)

      Oh yeah, and Jack Frost isn't in the books....unless he's Nightlight, which is me and my sis' hunch. Anywho...yeah.

    3. Oh yeah and there are a couple picture books that I read that are part of the series too (huzzah for picture books! ;-))...those were the ones on the Man in the Moon and Sandman. :-D

    4. HE IS NIGHTLIGHT. Duh. Read them, Aloisa, they are so much fun. :-)

    5. You guys are awesome! I'll add it to my reading list, but right now I've got to read the last two LOTR, a book that my uncle gave me (before Thanksgiving cuz I know he'll ask me about it), the Hobbit, Tolkiens unfinished tales, and technically I need to read Insurgent cuz I just finished Divergent. *takes deep breath* And I used to be a good reader...That's a lot to read ladies and gentlemen. Even for me.

    6. Tell me about it, Robin said miserably. I have so much to read, and so little time, and if I say rhyme I will have made a rhyme. ;-)
