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Thursday, November 1, 2012

NaNoWriMo: 1st Day

Hey Guys,

So today is the first day of  NaNoWriMo! I've already written 1006 words out of my goal of 30,000. Which means that for each day of this month, I have to write 1000 words. So I'm already on target. Hopefully I'll write some more today, but I'm going to take a break by playing a Nancy Drew PC game...
Anyways, I'd let you read what I've written...But...Hm...Okay I'll give you a little bit. Keep in mind I haven't really edited any of this and I just wrote it...So ya.

            Luckily for Yitter Middle School, it was a nice fall day. Luckily for the 7th grade class, they were on their way to a farm for a field trip which meant they no longer had to sit at a desk and try to understand pre-algebra. Most of the kids didn’t really fancy going to a farm to pick fresh produce, but it was definitely better than their other option. The school bus was a typical orange school bus with Yitter Middle School written on the side. About two kids could fit in each seat, but some kids had tried to squeeze together to make room for another.
In the very front row of the bus, there sat two boys. If you were just walking by you might not notice anything out of the ordinary, but if you looked twice, you would see that the two boys were identical in appearance. They both had messy blond hair, wore a Captain America t-shirt, and jeans. Their faces were also identical. If you sat there long enough, you would soon discover by shouting teachers, that the boy’s names were Luke and Rylie. However, which name belongs to whom, is another problem entirely.  You would also notice that the boys sat on opposite benches and that there were two girls sitting between them. As you watched, it would become clear to you that this set up was because the bus driver wanted to be able to keep on eye on the boys, hoping they wouldn't cause any trouble. On the left side of the isle, one boy sat with a very short girl who was arguing with him. The short girl’s black hair was twisted up into a bun, she wore a black leather jacket, jeans and on her feet she wore combat boots. Her name was Edwina. However, Edwina refused to go by any other name but Eddie. On the right side of the isle, the other boy sat with a girl whose dark brown hair was loose and pulled around her face. Her name was Lauren. These four children are who this story is all about. 

I hope you liked it! Anyway, if you have any constructive criticism, it would be most helpful! I think this is the first piece of writing I've ever showed you guys! Yikes!

*Takes deep breathe and clicks 'post'*


  1. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!!! LUKE AND RYLIE ARE WEARING CAPTAIN AMERICA T-SHIRTS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-D You need to post this on the Random. Seriously. That was fantastic. :-)

    1. Thanks! Maybe I will...IDK, I need to add to it a little bit more to get ahead of my word count...

  2. Sounds pretty good so far! It's amazing that you already have more than 1000 words. You're my hero! :D

    By the way, I sent you a "buddy" request on the NaNoWriMo website. My username is Literally.Gliding. So, um, go and accept me. Please. :)

    1. THAT IS THE BEST USERNAME EVER!!!!!!!!!!! You could've done "Imtruckflying" or something too. But I like yours better. :D I miss you! I'm adding you right now! My computer is moving REALLY slow! Grr... This is driving me insane! Ah ha! You're added!

      I'm glad you like it! I was really worried about it. Now I feel a little bit better... Thanks! How's yours going? (You should email me some of it!!! :P)

    2. Mine's going pretty good. I'm actually surprised by how creative I've been... I've been writing frantically all day trying to say everything I want to. I would go and write more now, but I have icky Chemistry homework. :(

      You are going to read it and tell me completely honestly what you think of it. You have no choice in the matter. I'll send it to you soon. I promise.

      PS. I'm still expecting your call.

  3. Sounds good! =D
    I found you on the YWP NaNo website and requested to be your writing buddy (user name is just plain old "Kismint"). I'm kind of worried about being able to complete NaNo this year, but I'm keeping the fingers crossed! ;)

    Yay for combat boots!

    1. I'll accept as soon as I sign into Nano later... :P I'm sure you'll do fine!!

  4. Okay. So, sorry to bother you, but you forgot to tell us what Lauren was wearing. It's just a minor mistake...But I really want to know what she's wearing.

