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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

NaNoWriMo 2012 - The Beginning

I'm sorry. I've been neglecting my blog again. But I do have excuses and reasons. I'm just not going to blab about them right now, because lately they've been controlling my life. So, HA lame reasons!

I'm not sure if I've told you guys this or not, but I'm into writing. And I'm doing NaNoWriMo (here's the link to their website. You should do it to!!!!)  for the second time. Last year, My novel failed miserably. I'm not even going to go into it because it was...well terrible. This time, I'm planning ahead. I'm giving myself all of October to plan my novel, and I already have an epic idea. So. If you'd like to be my friend on NaNo follow these instructions or I wont know who you are, and I most likely won't friend you.

1) Comment and tell me your username on NaNo and tell me you're going to friend me.
2) My username is Bluecandydice, my account picture thing is a white horse. Although that is likely to change in about....5 minutes when I'm done with this post. So if I change it, I'll let you know. :D
3) I should friend you. If I don't, Let me know.

Because I feel that it's funner, (yes I just made that a word) I'm going post my preplanning adventure here (or at least some of it). And I'm starting with a character questionaire for 5 of my characters that I know some things about.

Later on I'll be using some of the pre planning stuff from this workbook. And some of my own stuff (maybe even stuff from OYAN.)

But for now, I'm going to use this totally awesome epiclly cool questionnaire that I found online! (Cuz I'm a ninja.) Just an FYI, I'll be answering the questions from the perspective of the characters. (Like if they were in an interview. Cuz it's more fun that way. :D)

1) What is your name? Do you have a nickname?
Rylie: My name's Rylie.
Luke: I'm Luke
Edwina: My name's Eddie. 
Luke: Lying are we Edwina? 
Edwina: *glares at Luke* My name, is Eddie! 
Luke: Have it your way, Edwina
Edwina: *Punches Luke in the arm. Luke yelps*
Nameless Girl Character: Aloisa hasn't given me a name yet...
Nameless Boy Character: Ya, I don't really have a name either...
Me: Yes I still need some names. I'm looking for some normalish names for a girl and a boy character, so if you have any ideas, let me know.. :D

2) What's your hair color? Eye color?
Rylie: It's kind of a reddish brown. Brown eyes...
Luke: Mine's the same as Rylie's. Actually we're pretty much identical now that I think about it...
Nameless Girl Character: *Adds sarcastically* Now that you think about it? You guys are so identical it's not even funny! 
Edwina: Black hair, green eyes
Nameless Girl Character: Dark Brown hair with greyish eyes
Nameless Boy Character: Light brown hair with green eyes

3) Describe your family.
Rylie: Oh boy... This could become extensive. 
Luke: Lets just say that Rylie is my brother, and...
Rylie: That was my question!
Luke: Fine. 
Rylie: Our mom and dad are pretty awesome, our 3 little sisters are not.
Luke: Except when they find toads in their beds or discover that there was a bucket of water on top of their bedroom door and now they're all wet, or when...
Rylie: *continues excitedly* They find out that there are a bunch of spiders in their cooking set, or...
Edwina: Alright! We get the picture! *Continues coolly* My family consists mainly of my mother who in her mind seems to live in this strange princessy old fashioned world that newsflash, does not exist. I have no idea who my father is because my mother probably scared him off when her brain entered the 16th century. Why he didn't take me with him, I'll never know. Also, he probably wasn't around when I got my name, because there is no way my father would have let my mom name me Edwina
Nameless Girl Character: *Shifts uncomfortably in seat and doesn't make eye contact* I'm in foster care because my mom died when I was born and my father disappeared when I was 6. So, ya. I've been tossed around to different houses since then and I've been in this foster care home since I started 7th grade this year. 
Nameless Boy Character: * Interrupted by me*
Me: My Nameless Boy Character has about 4 different options for families, and I'm not sure which one it's going to be yet...So Ya. Sorry. I think he's going to be part human and part magic (long story that will be explained later...)

4) What do you wear most of the time?
Rylie: Whatever Luke is wearing...
Luke: Whatever Rylie is wearing... It's our joke on the world. No one can tell us apart... :D But it usually consists of jeans and a t-shirt.
Edwina: This is complicated too. You see, my mom has me wear dresses. Fancy, floofy, old dresses. She also does my hair very odd too. Lots of ribbons and curls. But, the way I dress is a whole other matter! The minute my mother drops me off at school, I run to my locker, grab a pair of jeans, a t-shirt, combat boots, my leather jacket and a brush, rush to the bathroom change, stuff the dress into my backpack, take everything out of my hair, brush it, make it look messy and tada! I'm a normal human being again. (Though to be honest with you, I'd prefer my hair being cut short) At the end of the school day, I run to the bathroom, put myself back the way I was, and my mother never knows that I looked any different. 
Nameless Girl Character: That is extensive...Although I already knew that she did that... Anyway, I dress in a basic t-shirt and jeans with a jean jacket when it's cold. Unlike Eddie, I don't mind wearing dress once in awhile, but I don't own any, and my hair is naturally curly. But not ringlet curly....Sort of like this:

So maybe it's actually wavy...
Nameless Boy Character: I don't really wear anything like the humans. I've never worn a "t-shirt" or "Jeans"...So...Ya. But I wear pants made from dear skin, a white shirt (Me: Like a pirate shirt) and a leather vest. I usually carry around a bow and arrow and other such weapons, and I usually have a wolf with me too.

Okay, so that's all I'm going to give you for now. This took me like two days to finish, so I figure I should just post it now. So ya, if you have ANY ideas for the girl/boy character's name PLEASE help me! You should know though, I'm REALLY picky about names...Unfortunately, because then characters go FOREVER with a name. *groans* Oh well. 

So ya! Check out my account on NaNo and 

May the National Writing Novel Month be with you!

~ Aloisa Quintal


  1. This book sounds pretty cool so far!

    I don't know if this'll help, but here are some possible girl names: Clara, Madeline, Delaney, Andrea, Janette, Reagan, and Gabrielle.


    1. Hm...Possibly Andrea, but... I don't know. You know how I am with names. It's really terrible...

    2. You know I saw somewhere that the Morgana pic that I used is from the 5th season...but I don't really think that is right...

  2. Man, that makes me want to do NaNoWriMo. But I don't know if I would survive. :-(

    First of all: I LOVE THE KID WITH THE BOW AND ARROWS AND THE WOLF. That is epicly awesomely amazing. :-D He's gonna be awesome.

    Name ideas. I'll try to do ones I haven't given you already. *thinks*

    Hm. Girl:


    That's all I can think of. Lame, I know. :-P


    Ottakar! (ok, that's probably too weird)

    ...yeah. I don't know. :-P But hopefully those get you started. :-D

    1. I like Lauren and Lindsey...Maybe I'll use one of those. And I've been considering Ian for the boy already, but we'll see.

  3. Hey Aloisa, you've been tagged! Check it out at my blog here:

  4. Again!?!?! Okay, I'm probably not doing it this time...

  5. I didn't read your Mark of Athena post...because I don't have the book yet and I am trying to avoid spoilers. Right now, I think I'm the only Percy fan in the world who has yet to read it.

    I would follow you on NaNo, but I'm on the grown up ones so I can't, which is sad.

    But I am glad I found your blog. And am now a new follower. 8-)

    1. Thanks! I should warn you I haven't been too constant about the whole writing on the blog all the time, but I think I'm getting better. I should write on Nov. 1st so you guys can expect a post soon!
      Hope you enjoy the Mark of Athena!
