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Saturday, September 22, 2012

Greeting for the Weary Traveller

I decided to make my brother search for his birthday present this year, (via scavenger hunt) so I sent him here for one of the clues. :D

This is his clue:

When we were younger
we used to quote every bit
of this long lost movie
Though we don't often watch it,
It's still my favorite.
The moonlight will reveal the answer

"Bring me that horizon. Really bad eggs!"

# 10: Come

~ Aloisa Quintal


  1. Good idea. I've been considering a Christmas scavenger hunt for my family this year... Have to figure out if I have the time and patience.

    1. It was a lot of fun!!! He did find it. My clues weren't really that hard...Although some of them he did have to think about for a while...
