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Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Sherlock Season 3 Episode 3: His Last Vow

Originally Posted on 5/29/14 8:59 AM PDT

Hello Dreamers,

Remember the day when I was going to review all the movies I watched this year? Remember when I wasn't a million movies behind schedule? That was a good day.

Yes. You read the title correctly. I'm finally getting to the last episode of Sherlock.
Basically, in this episode, Sherlock is after a man called Magnussen. Magnussen is a blackmailing extraordinaire who uses people's secrets and dark areas to control them. He's an all around creepy man, and Sherlock hates him. So he has devoted himself to tearing Magnussen down. At this point, John and Mary have been married for a while, and Mary is indeed pregnant. While looking into Magnussen, Sherlock discovers some shocking plot twists involving Mary and that girl that we hated from the wedding.

Why do I even put this here for Sherlock? The acting is fantastic. Nothing more to say really. Magnussen is successfully creepy and I hate him.

This episode is the best out of the whole season. Hands down. The award goes to Mr. Moffat. Thank you, Mr. Moffat, for picking the show back up. I was beginning to doubt you.

Content Advisory:
In order to get to Magnussen, Sherlock feels he has to give himself a weakness that Magnussen will want to use against him. So, he "makes one up". (Except I'm not sure it's really made up) Basically, he starts the whole drug lifestyle thing and John finds him while getting his neighbor's son out of a drug den. Molly slaps him after his tests come back positive and we all cheer because Molly seems to have returned to her old self and we discover that Tom is now out of the picture.

Magnussen has a habit of licking people's faces (really weird and awkward and creepy) and using their fireplaces as bathrooms. The licking thing is bizarre... I guess he's trying to prove that he owns the person or something. Same with the fireplace thing - really though, I've seen the equivalent in plenty of PG movies...
Also, Sherlock has started up a relationship with this woman whom I refuse to name.
Plenty is implied. Like she wears Sherlock's shirt (I mean only his shirt. Which happens to be long enough... ish), she for some odd reason ends up in the bathroom with him (camera remains in the kitchen where we get John's reactions), and they kiss.... a lot. Which was weird because that's the first time Sherlock has actually kissed someone (if you don't count the Molly/Sherlock kiss which never actually happened...) Anyway, later on you find out that nothing ever happened. (It's an awkward conversation where you find out that Sherlock would've actually married her - not cuz he loved her... but just courtesy I guess)
Other than that woman, the content of this one didn't bother me nearly as much as the other two did... don't ask me why.
THIS EPISODE!!!!! Okay the twists are like... wow. First you get this:
And then you get this:
And then this:
And last but certainly not least:
Nope. I'm not making that up. That's totally real. WHO CALLED IT??? I DID!!!!! I KNEW HE WASN'T DEAD!!!!
So... I have a question. Who was Tom really? Since when has Sherlock had a random character there for absolutely no reason and not have a deeper story going on? Here's my theory: In the original Sherlock stories and the Sherlock Holmes movies (Robert Downey Jr.), Moriarty has a friend named Sebastian Moran. Moran is one of the most dangerous men in London and he's a brilliant shot. Here's a refresher:
There is no way BBC is going to leave Moran out. So, I think Tom is Sebastian. He's been gathering info about Sherlock through Molly who we all know wouldn't be able to stop talking about him. Because it makes absolutely no sense to have character that had no purpose on Sherlock.
Also, I recently came across a ridiculous theory that the annoying woman was actually Moriarty in disguise.... yeah it's a bit far fetched. But they are both Irish!
Think about that one for a while... the similarities are a bit creepy actually...
This is the first show to get 5 fandom points since I redid my reviewing system. Mr. Moffat has pleased me greatly. And I'm super psyched for season four. So there.
~ Aloisa Quintal
"Am I happy too? I haven't checked."

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