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Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Maleficent Review

Originally Posted 5/31/14 6:57 PM PDT

Hello Dreamers,

So, I just went to see Maleficent with my friend, Liz today. Which means I'm writing a review.
Maleficent is essentially one of those fairytale remakes that Hollywood has been producing a ton of lately. This one is a remake of Sleeping Beauty. I like to categorize these remakes under "Professional Fan Fiction". Because that's exactly what this movie is. It gives a back story to the Villain in Sleeping Beauty, Maleficent, making her both the villain and the hero (it's complicated). It also makes King Stefan a bad guy (a bit hard to swallow at first).
Essentially the story starts with Maleficent being a beautiful winged fairy that lives in a magical swamp/forest called the Mores (spelling?).  Maleficent meets a human boy one day that's about her age named, (you guessed it) Stefan. Eventually Stefan and Maleficent fall in love and *spoiler* Stefan brutally rips her heart out. Maleficent focuses on revenge and thus starts the story... ish. It's super complicated and characters develop throughout quite a bit.
Acting was pretty good. I'm not a huge personal fan of Angelina Jolie (Maleficent), but she did a pretty good job. BTW, Umbridge is in it. The girl who plays Aurora is in Super 8 (an alien flick that I surprisingly ended up liking).
Quality is pretty much amazing. The animation and CGI was awesome. Especially the parts in the Moors. It was beautiful.
Content Advisory:
PG!!! Yay!!!
The only thing I have to say is that it's a pretty dark PG movie... freaky for little kids I suppose.
I'm giving this one a three fandom points. It was pretty good. Lacked originality of course. And Prince Phillips hair... Hollywood needs better hairdressers. Seriously.
Sorry for the short review. Not really feeling inspired at the moment.
~ Aloisa Quintal
Maleficent: I must say, I really felt quite distressed to not receiving an invitation.
Stefan: You're not welcome here.
Maleficent: Oh dear. What an awkward situation.

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