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Sunday, July 8, 2012

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

SO! Who's heard of The Hobbit movie coming out on December 14?? If you don't know this then I disown you. Just joking. :D I am SOOOOO excited for this movie! Basically I'm reading the Hobbit right now, and I'm hoping that they have a midnight premier so that I can go with some friends for my B-day.

(I actually already made a costume that I'm wearing to the midnight premier. So if they don't have a midnight premier then some people at the movie theater are going to be pretty freaked out when I walk in there with full LOTR getup on and it's like 2pm. AKA: Not a special midnight premier atmosphere. So pray for those poor souls sakes, that a midnight premier happens. Because I am crazy enough to wear an awesome costume to a movie theater in the day time. )

Anyway, if your like me and can't wait for this movie, I suggest you watch the Hobbit diary blogs from Peter Jackson. They're pretty awesome.

And....Here's the trailer for the first Hobbit movie. (Yes they are splitting it into two movies.)

The singing in that trailer gets me all giddy inside. It's weird. For two reasons first because it is my favorite actor singing (We'll get into that in a minute) and because it is just so EPIC! Also in that video at around 1 minute and 31 seconds, it looks like there is something between Gandalf and Galadrial. I know that is SO weird, but I can't help it! Comment and tell me if you think so too. I hope they don't do that. That would be so weird and untrue to the book.

Ok, I mentioned my favorite actor singing. Let me rant about that. (You might want to brace yourself, I'm a bit psycho about him.)
My favorite actor is Richard Armitage. This guy:

The reason is because he plays Guy of Gisbourne in the BBC Robin Hood show that I'm practically in love with.
This is Guy:

Yes, he plays a bad guy. And he's AWESOME!!!!!
He also played a bad guy in Captain America.
This dude:

Yup, he's bad. BUT HE'S EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry, random fan girl moment.
Richard Armitage is playing Thorin Oakenshield in The Hobbit. Thorin is one of my favorite characters in the book. AND Richard is playing him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I know, I said that already. But I'm excited) Which naturally means I will be VERY upset when Thorin dies. (If I'm remembering the book correctly) BUT, I'm super duper happy because I knew about him before he got the fame!!!! (I'm taking a risk in assuming that he'll become super famous after the hobbit) Here's pictures of him as Thorin!!!!!!!

Ya, he looks slightly different. Ok, maybe he looks a LOT different. But his voice and eyes are still the same, and his epicness will always shine. 

The only thing that I'm slightly worried about is remembering all the dwarves names. There are 13 dwarves in this movie. YIKES! But I'm really glad they didn't cut any out.

Anyway, I'll obviously be watching for this movie, so keep your eyes peeled! :D  

~ Aloisa Quintal


  1. You are not the only fangirl freaking out. RA is awesome (he's my favorite actor too!!)! And I cannot wait for the Hobbit to come is going to be SUPER epic!

    And I get shivers when he's singing in the's just too good! That guy really has talent.

    1. I know!!! I'd never heard him sing before, so when I heard that I freaked. :D

  2. Between Gandalf & Galadriel? Nah, I don't think Jackson would go that far...I don't believe Celeborn would approve.

    1. I know. I'm pretty positive that I'm completely wrong. (In other words, I don't believe myself) But the trailer totally looks like it, and I couldn't help bringing it up.

  3. I read somewhere that the only reason Galadriel would even be in the movie is if they are bringing in elements from Tolkien's _Unfinished Stories_. Which means we need to read it before we see the movie. ;-) It's somewhere on my reading list for this summer... Anyway, YES, I am excited. And I want to go to a midnight showing badly but my parents refuse to take me. It's sad. But I'll survive.

    1. Haha you should come with me! (Actually my parents haven't committed to it either, but I think they pretty much know they're taking me...LOL)Wait, so what's the name of this foreign book?(The Tolkien stories one)They're adding stuff from that to the movie?
