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Friday, July 6, 2012

The Castle Playlist: Being "Brave" When the "World Comes Down"

So in my last post, you may or may not have noticed that I mentioned how awesome the soundtrack for Brave was. (You may also have noticed that the review was rather short. It's because I was so psyched about the soundtrack!!! :P) I've been running across a lot of awesome songs lately and I think its time I create a playlist for The Castle. So when I come across a song that I think is awesome, I'll post it under the title of The Castle Playlist: Name of the song. (I'm also adding a Castle Playlist link on the right so you can find old posts about songs)

So w/o further ado, I bring you the start of The Castle Playlist!!!!!!

We'll start with the Brave soundtrack...First off, I love Irish music!!!! (Maybe it's because I'm Irish...)

Touch the Sky was probably my favorite song from this soundtrack. Here's the link and the lyrics.

When the cold wind's a'calling, and the sky is clear and bright
Misty mountains sing and beckon, lead me out into the light.

I will ride, I will fly, Chase the wind and touch the sky
I will fly, Chase the wind and touch the sky

Where dark woods hide secrets and mountains are fierce and bold
Deep waters hold reflections of times lost long ago
I will hear their every story, take hold of my own dream
Be as strong as the seas are stormy, and proud as an eagle's scream

I will ride, I will fly, Chase the wind and touch the sky
I will fly, Chase the wind and touch the sky
And touch the sky....
Chase the wind, Chase the wind.....
Touch the sky...

Learn Me Right (Brave Soundtrack)

Though I may speak some tongue of old
or even spit out some holy word
I have no strength with which to speak
when you sit me down and see I'm weak

We will run and scream
You will dance with me
We'll fulfill our dreams and we'll be free

We will run and scream
You will dance with me
We'll fulfill our dreams and we'll be free
We will be who we are and they'll heal our scars
Sadness will be far away

So I had done wrong but you put me right
My judgement burned in the black of night
When I give less than I take
it is my fault my own mistake

We will run and scream
you will dance with me
We'll full fill our dreams and we'll be free
We will be who we are and they'll heal our scars
Sadness will be far away

So anyway, I really enjoyed these two songs. They made me want to go sing and dance in the rain. They reminded to chase my dreams. Quite beautiful. So those are the first additions to The Castle Soundtrack. I encourage you to get these two songs somewhere. 

The next song is a song done by a girl on Youtube. Her Youtube account is called "ShortOfEpic". Though I must say, she's not short of epic in anyway. This song is so amazing! When I first heard it, it immediately reminded me of The Lord of the Rings. Then I realized that in the description she says that Lord of the Rings inspired her to write the song. Haha. So anyway here's the link and the lyrics.

Stay With Me (While the World Comes Down) - ShortOfEpic

It isn't safe
They've flown away
Now were alone, while this mountain blows apart.
I didn't think
We could get home
And it's okay
It's okay as long as you

Stay with me
While the world comes down
Stay with me
while it's breaking all around
I ask for nothing more
Not to survive,
I just want you by my side
While the world comes down

I never thought
We'd reach the end
But now we're here 
and what's done is done
There's nothing left
No not for us
But I hope the sun is bright for all of them

Just stay with me 
while the world comes down
Stay with me
While it's breaking all around
I ask for nothing more
Not to survive
I just want you by my side
While the world comes down.

As long as you're here
I'm not afraid
Not anymore
To know that you're near
At the end
Oh, at the end

Just stay with me 
while the world comes down,
Stay with me 
while it's breaking all around
I ask for nothing more
not to survive 
I just want to by my side
While the world comes down
While the world comes down...
While the world comes down...
While the world comes down...
While the world comes down...

Anyway, I was just blown away by this song. So this definitely earned it's right in The Castle Playlist.
Hope you enjoyed! Please comment and let me know what you thought!

~ Aloisa Quintal


  1. Abby did such an awesome job on here newest youtube song, didn't she? I never got the LOTR reference 'till now though...totally awesome!

    Nice post!

    PS: I LOVE the procrastination/LOTR quote on your side bar! It made me very happy. =D

    1. Thanks! I've been messing with side bar pics and stuff, so you'll probably be seeing more of that. :D

  2. Asdfghjkl SO TOUCHED that my song made it in here! Also, I haven't been on your blog in ages and I'm following it now because YOU'RE A MERLIN FAN LET ME LOVE YOUUU! And Sherlock! And Star Trek! And POTC! And LOTR! You are perfect :):):)

    Oh, and I deleted my youtube channel a bit ago but I just rerecorded that song, you can embed it here on the site if you like with this link:

    Bless you, Aloisa. Bless you <3

    1. I just read your comment. (Sorry, I know this was like ages ago...)

      Thanks so much for following! You have no idea how proud I am that you follow it. <3

      And I don't think your link is working. It's alright though. I'll just miss hearing it. :-)
