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Tuesday, April 15, 2014

100 Cupboards Reaches the Silver Screen???

Hello Dreamers!

I just finished reading the 100 Cupboards series by ND Wilson, and I've decided that he should be officially added to the Authors of Excellence card deck. (Check it out here.) He is BRILLIANT! I love this series soo much! It's just... beautiful.

Not to mention Ashtown Burials is fantastic as well. (Haven't read the last book of that one yet... I'm trying to get around to it...)

Anyway, while I was looking for the logo online so I could add it to my list of book recommendations, I discovered a rather awesome bit of news.

Beloved Pictures has purchased the movie rights to the 100 Cupboards trilogy!

First question: Who's Beloved Pictures?
Well, they're a movie production company founded in 2007...Rather new. They haven't completed any film that I've ever heard of though they have done a number of films in the past. Beloved Pictures is also working on a movie adaptation of The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis which is being adapted to a screenplay by non other than N.D. Wilson! I'm actually sort of glad 100 Cupboards wont be being produced by a huge corporation...maybe it'll fare better in the book to screen process.

Second Question: WHEN?
We have no idea. It's just a waiting game. When a company buys the movie rights to movie, it doesn't necessarily mean they're going to make it... it just means they're seriously considering it. Technically you're not even allowed to start writing a tentative script based off a book without owning the rights to it... (Though who would spend the money to buy movie rights, which are super expensive, and then not make the movie, I don't know.)

Just something to think about. (And maybe freak out about... I'm really kinda excited about this.)
I'm optimistic about it. Apparently Wilson is too. "I should be nervous, handing my stories off to producers, but I'm actually thrilled. Beloved's enthusiasm for the books makes me confident that these projects are in the right hands."

I could be a grown woman with children by the time this comes out... but hey! I guess that means I'll be dragging my kids with me to the theaters a million times. :)

~ Aloisa Quintal
“Sometimes standing against evil is more important than defeating it. The greatest heroes stand because it is right to do so, not because they believe they will walk away with their lives. Such selfless courage is a victory in itself.”  



    I REALLY hope this movie comes out and I hope that it's awesome. Because it really could be epic.

    I wish there'd be a release date though. The tentativeness of it is all rather annoying. ;-) But yes, I am SO excited about this.

  2. Oh, also, you didn't have a hyperlink for the Authors of Excellence. I want to clickyyyy.

    1. Yeah sorry... Didn't finish that yet. I'll get to it soon.

      I know!!!! I'm SO psyched.

  3. (With inexplicably British accent) How exciting!
    (Having inexplicably lost inexplicably British accent) Suddenly, based on your enthusiasm, that beautiful quote at the end, and the fact that there might someday be a movie, I'm thinking I need to reread this series (although, considering the length of my reading list, I probably won't get a chance until, like, November).
    So..... you're going to read Charlie Bone now, right? Right? Riiiiight?????

    1. Pearl, yes. Read those books. Pronto. In fact, I'd put them at the top of your list and pretend the other books were just put there after these because they. are. fantastic. Seriously.

    2. Haha, what Hannah said! :-) You should. They're really good. A bit slow in parts, but lately every book has seemed that way for me. I think it's because I have way too much stuff going on at the moment to just think about one book...

      Yes, I will. I promise. Just give me a day or two to get ahold of them...

  4. EP! These books are on my list! I am hoping to find them at my library but am not getting my hopes too high.

    1. They should be at your library.... But you never know. :P Sometimes the less popular books are hard to find.

  5. I think if it does come out that it should be really... accurate.
    They should do like maybe ever like, 2 movies per book that way it can be SUPER accurate, because I feel let down after reading a book then watching a movie. This is definitely NOT including J.R.R. Tolkein’s “The Hobbit”.
