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Monday, March 31, 2014

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire - Review

Hello Dreamers,
Essentially, this sequel to The Hunger Games is about what happens after the tension that ended the last movie. At the end of The Hunger Games, Katniss and Peeta get off of the Capitol's radar (supposedly) by acting like they rebelled against the rules of the game because they loved each other so much. In Catching Fire, we see them trying to keep up this pretense while they tour around the districts as the winners of the Hunger Games. However, as this is happening, the people begin to rebel. Peeta and Katniss end up sparking the rebellion without meaning to. Needless to say, the Capitol doesn't buy Katniss' and Peeta's façade and creates a plan to get rid of all the past Hunger Games winners by reaping the tributes for the 75th Hunger Games from the past victors.
I've never had an issue with the acting in the Hunger Games. They're all pretty good. I even like the actor who plays Seneca, who I've heard people say they don't like. Actually, I really like Seneca.
As (probably) the biggest movie of 2013, the quality was amazing. As it should be. I wasn't expecting any different.
Content Advisory:
Like in the first Hunger Games, there is killing and violence at the PG-13 level. I will say that there wasn't killing of children in this one because all of the tributes in the games are "adults" this time (except maybe Katniss and Peeta... I don't actually remember how old they're supposed to be. I'd guess 17.). There is violence outside of the Hunger Games as well though. Sort of a mob violence feel...
There's also a scene where a girl undresses in an elevator while talking (rather suggestively) to Peeta. Haymitch and Katniss are also in the elevator. You don't see anything, nothing happens, but it's kinda weird...
The Not So Short Rant:
Catching Fire still carries the same themes, the same heroes, and the same evils. We really get a better perspective on the Capitol in this movie. Katniss and Peeta go to different parties and things while touring around. At these parties we get to see more of how twisted things have become. Something that really struck me was this moment where someone offers Peeta something to eat. Peeta says he's full and couldn't eat anymore if he tried (essentially). So the person giving him the food hands him a little bottle of liquid. He explains that the liquid will make you throw up so you can eat more. Peeta, of course, backs out. He was appalled because while these people are hacking up food so they can stuff their faces more, the people in his district are starving. Something to think about.
We also get these scenes where President Snow is with his granddaughter. This was extremely interesting because like all little girls in the Capitol, his granddaughter looked up to Katniss a bit. She would wear her hair like Prim, comment about how she wished she could love someone like Katniss loves Peeta (at which point I declared that she ships it. :D) etc... It's interesting to watch President Snow's reactions to these things because at the time, he really hates Katniss.
Catching Fire definitely carries a strong theme of rallying behind an inspiration or a symbol which makes you feel strong enough to achieve the impossible.
I'm interested to see what happens next. I find these movies interesting because they make me think... *shrugs* There aren't a lot of movies that do that...
Again, I still believe that The Hunger Games is one of those stories that by claiming to love it you become hypocritical and more like the villain than you'd care to realize.

4 Fandom Points. Just like the last one.

~ Aloisa Quintal
"Because of her they all think they're invincible."

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