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Sunday, January 5, 2014

Looking 'Back to the Future'

Hey Guys,

So today, I'm doing what most people do at the beginning of a new year. I'm looking 'Back to the Future'. No, this post is going to have absolutely nothing to do with the movie 'Back to the Future'. The title just happened to fit into mine, so I figured what the heck. :)

There are relatively different levels of the future I suppose. There's the future, as in what I'm going to eat for dinner later today. There's The Future, as in what I plan to do this upcoming year. And there's


as in thisisthepartwhereyouscreamandhidebecausei'mtalkingaboutthefutureofyourentirelife. Though I have been thinking an awful lot about this version of the future lately, I'm going to spare you the insanity of that bit or you'd probably end up looking something like this:

No, this post has nothing to do with Back to the Future. At all.

*cough* Anyway........In order to prevent your complete and utter confusion, we're going to stick with the purple version of The Future. And if that doesn't make any sense (it probably doesn't. Sorry! I felt like colors and pictures today.), it just means we're looking at The Future of this year.

All in all I think this year looks pretty good for those of us waiting on the media. We've got
  • Captain America: The Winter Soldier coming on April 4th.
  • Nancy Drew: The Shattered Medallion (Herinteractive PC game) coming in either May or April.
  • The Hobbit: There and Back Again coming on Dec 17th.
  • Sherlock BBC: Season 3 airing in America on Jan 19th, Jan 26th, and Feb 2nd. (Already been airing in Britain...)
  • The Warden and the Wolf King (Wingfeather Saga) by Andrew Peterson is coming in April!!!!!!!!! I can't wait!!!! *jumps up and down excitedly*
  • How to Train Your Dragon 2 coming on June 13th.
  • Doctor Who Season 8 in August.
  • And I'm sure there's others that I'm forgetting at this moment...

So, all in all it looks like we'll get plenty of good discussion, reviews, and thoughts off of what we get this year. I'm looking forward to going through it with you guys. Anyway, I sorta feel like this post was pointless, but I wanted to make a quick little map of what things are gonna look like. This year I would expect to see quite a bit of this:
Okay, I've spent way too much time writing this...So...I'll see ya'll later.
~ Aloisa Quintal
"Mickey! We've got power!"


  1. I read the post and I saw the release date for The Hobbit and I said in a Will Scarlett voice, "That's wrong."

    Alas, I wish it were coming out November 17th. :-P

    And Jess would like me to inform you that The Warden and the Wolf King IS coming out in April because he said so and we already have the preview thingy that's like half of the book on Jess's Kindle. Because we supported him on Kickstarter. So yeah. It's all done, but needs to be edited.

    1. Ack....Right, sorry. Wrote the wrong month. :D *fixes it*

      Awesome!!!!!!! I"M SOOOO EXCITED!

  2. All those movies, I cannot wait!!! I am so excited for them, but not half as excited as I am to have a season with the 12th Doctor. I watched The Fires of Pompii last night just to see the actor again. He is going to be so fantastic!!! And I really want to see how they do his relationship with Clara because I think it is going to be kind of father/ daughter which will be so much fun!

  3. I know!!!! I am SO excited to see the 12th doctor! I think he's going to be fantastic! Though to be completely honest I might end up shipping Clara and 12 because I shipped her and 11. *shrugs* We'll see.

  4. You so completely copied my New Year's post. I'm so suing you for copyright infringement. ;)

    Kidding, of course. This was lovely. The picture of Marty McFly made me laugh. And I love your 2014 collage, but I'm sorry, I just have to ask WHY THE HECK DID YOU USE THAT AWFUL PICTURE OF MOLLY AND STUPIDFACE????? Of all the series 3 promos, why that one? Why? Why????? WHYYYYY?????

    Sorry. I really am sorry. It's just that that guy gets me so freaking riled.....

    1. Lol! Yeah I guess it was somewhat similar. Still though, I added colors! And pictures! And I put more stuff on the schedule that you forgot to mention....So there. ;-) However I will say *Disclaimer: Pearl Clayton wrote a post about what we can look forward to over this next year, rather similar to the one I just made.* :-)
      Marty always makes me laugh... *memories of ECA*
      BECAUSE you'll be hearing a lot about it! The purpose of the poster was to show what my readers can expect. They can MOST CERTAINLY expect a HUGE angry rant about that guy. Because I also detest him. :-)
