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Sunday, October 6, 2013

Brand New (well almost brand new) Craving

Hey Guys,

Lately I've been noticing a serious craving of mine.

I want to learn to dance. Like seriously.

Ever watched a movie and been like "I wish I could dance like that!"? Lately I've been saying that about almost every movie that has dancing in it.

I feel like a hopeless romantic looking up dance lessons on YouTube though...Hm...problems.

I promise you a post is coming soon, I just am sitting here watching all these movies about dancing and it's driving me crazy. Basically I'm dancing around my living room wishing there was someone here who actually knows how to dance.

And don't you dare laugh at me because deep down you know you do the exact something sometimes.

Kidding obviously. Am I seriously the only person like this???

~ Aloisa Quintal


  1. You're so utterly and completely not the only person who feels like this. I want to be able to dance like Scott and Fran. And I also want to learn those crazy complicated-looking partner-switching dances they dance in Jane Austen movies. Ooh, and I love the dancing in White Christmas.

    "The best things happen while you're dancing. Things that you would not do at home come naturally on the floor....."

    1. Where is that quote from?

      I know!!! I love the way Scott and Fran dance! Amazing!!!

    2. White Christmas. It's from a song. A good song, too.

    3. And see, now I'm singing it, and it'll probably get quite firmly stuck in my head any minute now. Which is not a bad thing. I'm thoroughly ready for Christmas spirit.
      And dancing.

    4. Haha! I'll have to look it up when I get the time...Rather busy at the moment...

  2. I think dancing would be a lot of fun to learn, I've considered it myself. Have you ever thought of taking lessons somewhere?

    1. Yeah, I just don't have time...I'm way too busy. :P

  3. I totally understand! It depends on which kind of dancing you're speaking of. I would love to be able to dance in a modern style, but I'm a classically trained ballerina, so that's just hopeless for me!

    1. It kinda depends on the mood I'm in. Sometimes I like the whole "modern" thing, but sometimes I like the ballroom dancing stuff. It just depends. LOVE your user pic by the way!!!!!

    2. I hear ya! And thanks very much! I make that expression all the time xD

    In fact, I tried to learn cool dances via youtube...and kickboxing. That was kind of a weird evening. :/

    Dancity dance dacne...if only I could... *sigh*

    1. Haha! I totally get that...

    2. From Ava GM
      Dancing is awesome - always loved it. When I hear great music I want to dance to it! Tried Celtic dancing once - so fun - Irish/Scottish music with a live "Celtic" band - very fast, twirling, stepping. Dancing is an expression of the soul - outlet of creativity. Go for it...

  5. Yeah, I felt that way recently when I watched this:

    But you know me. Incurable pessimist that I am, I didn't watch a single video on how to dance like that. I just watched a bunch more Fred and Ginger and felt depressed about it.

    1. Pretty neat stuff....

      What is that from???

      Haha, well trust me, you're not the only person to sit around watching videos instead of actually making progress with my life....

  6. Swing Time... some old black and white movie. XD

    1. Fun! Old movies are a blast...

    2. From Ava GM - Adventuresome GrandMa
      Dancing is awesome - always loved it. When I hear great music I want to dance to it! Tried Celtic dancing once - so fun - Irish/Scottish music with a live "Celtic" band - very fast, twirling, stepping. Dancing is an expression of the soul - outlet of creativity. Go for it...

    3. Yeah, I haven't really seen much of Celtic dancing lately...Bet it'd be a blast though!!!! :D
