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Thursday, September 19, 2013

Three Words: David, Billie, and Doctor.

Hey Guys,

Just incase you're a Doctor Who fan who doesn't know this because you've been living under a rock your whole life: DAVID TENNANT AND BILLIE PIPER ARE GOING TO BE IN THE 50TH ANNIVERSERY EPISODE WHICH COMES OUT ON NOV. 23RD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So that's what I'm adding to the "Movies I'm Waiting For" section. Even though it's not a movie. Sorry, deal with it.

I CANT WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TWO OF THE BEST DOCTORS EVER!!!!! My only regret is that Nine isn't there. (That we know of.....haha!)

*Dances around like a fool*

Ahahahahaha! This will be one of the best days of my life. (Eh, probably not... but you get the point.)

Aloisa Quintal

andbilliepiperismyfavoriteandteniscomingbackandthey'reinthesameepisodeand *gasps for air*


  1. EEP! I'm so looking forward to seeing this! If Netflix hasn't gotten its act together and put up Season 7 by the beginning of November, I may be tempted to resort to pirating stuff so I can be caught up. Because you know they're showing this in THEATERS, right? Big, live, for one night only, all that stuff. If a theater near us has it I might..... might..... I have no idea what I'd do.
    I just keep trying to imagine these three interacting. What will Ten and Rose think of Eleven? What will Eleven say to Ten and Rose? What will Rose and Clara say to each other? Will River show up to create awkward conversations?
    I'm hoping those BBC losers haven't been shamming us and that there's actually going to be interaction between all these characters. I mean, TECHNICALLY they could all be in it and never see each other.
    Who am I kidding. Even if that happens, seeing Ten and Rose again will be plenty amazing. And oh, DID YOU SEE THAT THE POSTER HAS BAD WOLF ON IT?????

  2. Dude, if they're showing this in theaters by us, we SO have to go!!!!

    Even if ten and eleven never see eachother, at least 10 and Rose will be together!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    BAD WOLF 4 EVER!!!!

  3. I can't wait to see them with Matt Smith and Clara. It will be SO much fun to see how they all get along. I am sad that Nine isn't there though, and if they pretend Nine was always John Hurt I shall invade England with rotten tomatoes. (Nine is one of my favourite Doctors. I'm very fond of him 8-D)

    1. He's one of my favorites too!!!

      I've actually never heard that theory...The fans think that Nine was John Hurt all along??? Um...That seems a bit extreme doesn't it? I mean we've already determined that he's the lesser liked doctors of the three, do we really have to turn him into something else???

      I LOVE HIM WAY TOOO MUCH FOR THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
