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Sunday, June 2, 2013

Hm....DOCTOR WHO!!!!!!

Hey Guys!

So I feel like ya'll deserve a post again since I've been gone for a while. So yeah. Today I'm off to another horse show, hope it goes okay! (I'll take pictures if we win anything... :D)

Anyway since I'm sure most of you don't really want to hear about all the particulars of a horse show, I'm going to talk about Doctor Who! I've been watching it lately with my friend (whom you all know as Pearl Clayton) and it is AWESOME! I'm addicted. I can't wait till we get together and watch it again! I have a plan to turn my closet door into the door of the tardis. It's gonna be awesome.

Anyway if you don't mind a bit of science fiction (though I know you all FREAK OUT when anything is over like 30 episodes so I guess you probably wont watch it. :( ) it's a really fun show to watch.

"I'm the Doctor by the way what's yours?"
"Nice to meet you, Rose. RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!"

~Aloisa Quintal


  1. Hehe..... Addiction is fun. :)

    (Hurt) "I'm trying to resonate concrete."
    (Much later) "Why is there an apple in my dressing gown?"

    1. Hahahaha!

      Famous last words: "The world wont end because the Doctor danced!"

    2. "You know what? You're thick! You're Mr. Thick Thick Thickety Thickface from Thicktown, Thickania!

      And SO'S YOUR DAD!"

    3. Don't remember that part actually. Have I seen that?

    4. Yeah. It's from the episode with Madame du Pompadour and the creepy clock people who are stalking her because they think her brain will repair their ship. Remember when the Doctor goes to a ball with her and comes back drunk (or at least pretending to be drunk) and he delivers that line to the head of the clock people? It's right after he goes all Nine-y and says, "Always bring a banana to a party. Bananas are good."

    5. Ah right! Totally remember that now!

  2. Doctor Who is one of those shows you watch and very likely instantly fall in love with. Welcome to the geek hood of Doctor Who. *Passes a banana.*
