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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

I'm Back!!!!

Hey Guys!

Sorry I've been gone...I've been....Well...Doing school...and well....Okay so I forgot about you guys. But DON'T kill me, I've been working on video blogs that I might start posting one here!!!!!!!! YAY! It's SUPER cool and I've got a TON of epic ideas and I'm super excited. (In case you haven't noticed.)

I have an announcement to make! Ready for this??? *drum roll* Kismint tagged me!!!!!!!!! AHHHH!!!! I'm SUPER DUPER EXCITED!!!!!!! Here's how this works: (As far as I can tell)

Basically when you're tagged, you have to do this:
1. You must post 11 facts about yourself.
2. You must answer the 11 questions the awarder has given you, and create 11 questions for your awardees to answer.
3. Tag 11 fellow bloggers
4. Notify them that you've awarded them!

I don't usually do things like this, but since Kismint tagged me, I guess I will. :D

11 facts about myself:

1. I am currently writing a book. :D Unless you beg me I wont tell you anything about it. ;) Joking. It's about dragons!

2. I own two horses! Their names are Zippy and Drea. Drea is a year and a half, and Zippy is 12.

3. I claim to like Lord of the Rings obsessively, but I've never actually finished the books. I only got to the middle of the second one...BUT I'm reading them currently, so I'm redeeming my honor. :D

4. I play the piano and I'm going to be taking Violin lessons soon.

5. If I watch a movie without having the control of the remote, my brain goes into ADHD mode...

6. I LOVE making fan videos with Windows Movie Maker, although I wish I had a better editing program.

7. I would like to be a movie director someday (And hopefully film the Percy Jackson movies the RIGHT way.)

8. I have Guy of Gisbourne (From Robin Hood BBC), Alan a Dale (Also from RH BBC), Jack Sparrow and Aragorn on my bedroom wall. (NOT CREEPY POSTERS THOUGH!!!! Ones that I made using shots from the movies...)

9. I used to LOVE Highschool Musical, and I can still sing all the songs from the first two... (If you dare me too, maybe I will in one of my video blogs. If I get them going. Note I said maybe.) But I hate them now!!!!

10. I've only pulled one alnighter before, and then afterwards I went and built a horse corral. W/o getting any sleep...

11. I may not seem like it, but I am a very shy person. \

Tada! I did it! That was actually harder than it looked.

Okay now I have to answer Kismints questions!!!

1) Think back to the first time you heard Justin Bieber on the radio. Where you convinced that it was a girl singing?
Actually, yes. The first time I heard him, I was in a restaurant with my dad, and they were playing him on the restaurant music thing. I think I said something like "This girl's not very good." and then my dad said, "This is a boy singing." I was shocked. :P

2) Waffles or pancakes; why?
Probably pancakes. Because I don't usually eat waffles...So why start now??

3) Irrational phobias?
I'm terrified of snakes.

4) What is the mystery of life?
"There are ice cubes in this glass!"
"Yes that's what happens when water gets cold."
"No! I mean don't you think they would melt after all this time?"
"One of life's great mysteries."
Sorry. I'm addicted to Megamind...
Um, I can't really think of a life mystery. Maybe the Money Pit. You should look it up it's really cool. :D

5) Card game or board game?
Board game.

6) Would you rather bike or take the bus?
Bike. I don't like being around strange people.

5) Favorite movie villain?
MEGAMIND! Incredibly handsome, criminal genius, and master of all villainy!
Although Guy of Gisbourne from RH BBC is pretty awesome too...Hmm...That's a tie...

6) Were you ever a Star Trek fan?
No, but I'd never seen it... HOWEVER, I just saw the new Star Trek (The 2009 version) and I liked it. A lot. So...

7) Would you rather climb down or jump?
Depends how far up I am....

8) You're going to live the rest of your life on a deserted island. Your allowed to bring three things. What are they?
Friends. (Although I guess that's not really fair...)
Knives. (You can basically make anything and kill anything needed to eat with a knife)
And....I have no idea. ..Um how about pen and paper??

9) Sunshine or cloudy?
Cloudy. Maybe even rain, but not pouring. I like to be able to ride as well...

10) Have you ever had the urge to ride a camel?

11) What do you think of Jell-O?
It's just Jell-O....

So. That was interesting... Now I'm supposed to come up with 11 questions for my awardees to answer...Hm

1) All time favorite movie??

2) Favorite musician or band? Or song...

3) If you had to become an animal, what animal would you become?

4) What time period is your favorite and why?

5) (Sort of relating to the previous question) If you got trapped in a time machine and you had just enough time to choose where (And when) you were going to go, what would you choose?? (Can't choose the current time)

6) Do you have a favorite author? If so, then who?

7) Pepsi or Coke? Or do you care? Or maybe you don't drink soda??

8) Favorite movie quote? Or just the one you think of first...

9) When you're bored, what do you do?

10) Favorite food?

11) If you had to choose a favorite actor who would it be?

So that's about it. Now I just have to tag people...Hm...I don't even KNOW 11 bloggers!!!! Oh well, I'll tag the ones I know...

Actually it turns out I don't know ANY bloggers. (Besides Kismint, But I'm thinking no tag backs is a rule.) So I guess if you feel like answering the questions anyway, then go ahead!!! :D

Anyway, I'll be trying to keep up on this more...

Plus I think I need to change what I've been writing about...It's getting slightly dull. :D

~Aloisa Quintal


  1. Ooh, I'm glad I've called you back from the point of non-bloggerishness! ;)

    Okay, I'm jealous now. You have horses! What kind of riding do ya do? I've ridden english for five years now...good stuff. =)

    I'm glad you enjoyed doing my lil' tag (tis' great fun, isn't it?).

    I know whacha mean by not knowing many people 'round the block on blogger...maybe I need to be more socially oriented... =P

    Can't wait to see what your up-and-coming blog ideas are!

    For the love of Narnia, Hobbits, and Tree folk,
    K-Minty of Sword and Lampshade

    1. I ride Western and English, but right now I'm training Zippy under Western. (I've never riden her English... YIKES!) Partially because at the moment I don't have an English Saddle.

  2. Tag my email blog. C'mon, please???? ;-)

    1. Totally doing it right now!

  3. Woohoo! That was fun (and the Megamind quote--EXACTLY what I would have said ;-D). I don't think you should limit yourself to specific categories for blog posts; just write whatever is on your mind (beware, fellow readers, the infamous Tim Tebow might appear if she follows my advice). ;-) Glad you're back. And I might answer the questions here for fun in a bit. But right now I'm supposed to be catching up on school.

    1. Hey Jess!
      (Ditto on the Megamind qoute. I just love it too much!! Can you tell??)

      I completely agree with you. I'm not going to limit myself to topics anymore. Because it's boring for you guys and it's boring to me. So ya.

      TT (Tim Tebow! I just made up the inital thing right now!!! SUPER happy about it!) Will most definitely show up! I'm actually writing a song about him!!! (Yes I'm weird.)

    2. Haha, you'll have to sing it for me. How's it go? Like this?

      Oh, oh, oh,
      Tim Tebow
      Is not slow
      But he can't throw
      Don't you know
      Oh, oh, oh.

      ;-D Yeah, just made that up on the spot. Super genius, man, super genius. Better than a haiku.

    3. No...

      It goes

      Bye, Bye, Tim Tebow we'll cry
      You took us to the playoffs and boy we had pride
      We were all Tebowin' and givin' highfives,
      Until the day John Elway LIED.


  4. 1. Probably the 1993 Three Musketeers, although there are lots of movies I really like.
    2. As of right now, NEEDTOBREATHE.
    3. A cat
    4. 1000-1300ish. I have no idea why. I'm just obsessed with the Dark Ages. Maybe because so little is known about them.
    5. Sometime in 1194
    6. Probably Jenny Nimmo.
    7. Orange juice.
    8. "Watch out for snakes."
    9. I read or watch YouTube videos. Sometimes I just sit and stare at things. Cause I'm awesome.
    10. Well, my ideal dinner would be a rice bowl from Tokyo Joe's and a loaf of French bread followed by a chocolate milkshake.
    11. Michael Wincott or Trace Beaulieu.

    1. YAY!!! I was hoping you'd show up on here!!! I need to get writing my next post....
