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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Percy Jackson: The Sea of Monsters

So.....The second Percy Jackson movie is being made currently. And you might not believe this (I was SERIOUSLY upset about the first one), but I'm hesitantly excited. And here is my reasons:

  • There is a new director
  • They are putting in characters that were missing in the first movie. (i.e. Clarisse, the Fates, ect)
  • There are new writers
  • They had Annabeth put quite a few blond highlights in her hair, so that she's almost blond. 
  • Most people think that the new directors and writers are skilled enough to fix some (or most) of the issues with the first one.
  • I'm a Percy Jackson fanatic and REALLY want this series to be put into movies. GOOD movies. So how can I not be slightly interested?? 
  • I have a feeling that the director wouldn't consider this worth filming (the first movie didn't go great because of angry fans) unless he felt he could appease fans, and create an awesome movie...
So, I'm going to say that this is a movie to watch out for. But only because there are reasons to believe that this one will be much better than the first one. Plus, when it comes out I'll be able to write a review about it. Then all you Percy fans wont have to ruin your image of Percy Jackson yourselves. (Hopefully, it wont ruin my image of it either) 
But anyway, it comes out March 2013. 

Long live Percy Jackson (the real one)

~ Aloisa Quintal


  1. Wow---Annabeth looks almost like...Annabeth!

    I read that the girl who played the tribute "Glimmer" in The Hunger Games is playing Clarisse, so I'm curious to see how The Sea of Monsters turns out with her playing a main.

    It wasn't my favoritest book ever, but maybe they'll make a good movie of it...anything would be better then the first one. =P

    1. Yes I found out about Clarisse too. In my opinion she doesn't have the Clarisse feel, but we'll see. I am really kinda hopeful for this movie...

  2. Okay, okay... Annabeth almost looks like she could be Annabeth. But that still doesn't change the fact that Percy's actor is reallllyyyyyy annoying. Like, really, super annoying...

    1. Ya, the guy that plays Percy is Logan Lerman. I don't think that the main actors were chosen very well. (They are WAYYY too old) And I know what you mean about him being annoying. I can't quite pin point why he doesn't make a good Percy, but there's something different about him. Something that doesn't quite fit.
      I shouldn't be looking forward to this movie cuz it'll just probably make me mad again, but I can't help it...

  3. I honestly couldn't get into the first book. Maybe I'll give it another go this summer, but we'll see.

    1. Meaning, I read part of the first book and then set it down 'cause I couldn't get into it. For clarification. ;-)

    2. Ah. Yes, well it does take a moment for the story to get started. But, it's ok if you just can't read it...(i.e. can't get into it) I won't be mad at you. ;D
