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Sunday, February 15, 2015

Funday Sunday! - When You Change Into A New Person...

Hello Dreamers!

Yes it's that time again. I know I'm barely hanging on here and I've neglected quite a few things... this week was just rather stressful. (As in... I was crying my eyes out more than once stressful... So... fun)


Movie Monday: The Princess and the Frog

TV Thursday: Doctor Who - In The Forest Of The Night (Episode 10)

(Hopefully for real this time. :P)

Books On Friday: Lady Susan - Jane Austen

And yes... still working on catching up. I appreciate all yall's patience.

So lately I've been reading this book called Let's All Be Brave by Annie F. Downs. Anyway, it's a really good book. It's about being brave as principle. About taking an opportunity just because you have to be brave to do so. The idea is that God calls us to be brave. And if we're not brave in general, we're not going to be brave enough to do what he calls us to do.

Point is, these brave things change us. Once you start to walk down a path that takes guts, there's no going back. You become a different person. A better person (ideally. If you're choosing your path wisely... I mean... don't go throwing wisdom out the window just because speeding down the highway is brave). It's how God makes us more like him.

Just something to think about (and an unofficial book recommendation).

And while we're on the subject of being a different person, my music tastes have been all over the place lately. It's been so weird. Most of you know that I was addicted to 5 Seconds of Summer for about 24 hours last week (don't worry, I've recovered from that lapse) and those of you that didn't know that... well you do now. The majority of you know that for a very long I've disregarded pop music simply on principle. Liking it makes you "mainstream" or something... So I've fallen in love with Punk Rock music from the 90s and a little bit of folkish music on the side (Like... Mumford and Sons kind of stuff)... but lately...

I like pop music now. And that's really weird for me to say, so... you should feel awfully special that I'm telling you that. Not all pop music mind you, there's still some serious wackos out there that I don't give the time of day. But... I don't know.

I've also been noticing that I have a new category of music in my life called the "This song is awesome but the band is weird" playlist. (I don't actually have a playlist called that, but you get the point.) Or the "I really don't want to like you but I do" category. For instance, Taylor Swift. I sorta made an unofficial promise to myself that I would refuse to listen to anything off of Taylor Swift's new album (it's called 1989) due to the weirdness of Shake It Off and it's music video. But then... I heard one song off it on the radio. And then another on Pandora. And then another. Pretty soon I realized I was pretty much in love with it and I will probably buy it sometime soon... (And I will probably review it. Because... music. And I have so many parallels I've been using in an attempt to explain why I like it so much - might as well write them out so other people can read them.)

It's weird. But you know what? I think change is good. And so I'm embracing it. I don't see the use in fighting against the person you really are.

So yeah. That's what I've got for you guys.

Hope to see you around this week!

~ Aloisa Quintal

"We all change, when you think about it. We are all different people, all through our lives. And that's ok, that's good, you gotta keep moving. So long as you remember all the people that you used to be."


  1. In the words of Zane, "Welcome back."

    First off, I just want you to know that I love you and I don't care if you post three times a week or once a year. I'll always read them, will always enjoy them, and I will always treasure your blog You should know that. So don't ever beat yourself up about not posting. Life can be stressful. Veryyy stressful. But keep plugging away and keep your chin up. And if you ever need to rant, I'm always here for you. Love you, so SO much.

    About pop music: XD That's funny. I like some pop music myself (I know, shocker. But maybe I'm not as much of a music snob as everyone thinks I am XDDD). Especially Bastille. I really enjoy Bastille. For a lot of random reasons. XDD Also, after driving through New Mexico and Arizona, where apparently the only stations are country (bleck) or Christian (which is okay for maybe an hour, but then they replay all the same songs and uuuuugh I hate to say it but a lot of Christian radio music is just....lame) or in Spanish....well, let's just say it's a relief to find a pop station. XD

    I have also recently discovered that I have a thing for lots of Bob Dylan's stuff. Which is very strange. XD

    And I have Let's All Be Brave on my reading list. But unfortunately at this point British Lit is coming first and I need to focus on Dickens, Bronte, and Woolf. Almost....done....*pant pant*

    1. Well thanks. You're so sweet. I'm not too worried about it. Just trying to achieve personal goals... you know...

      Yeah I like Bastille too. Never heard Bob Dylan though... some day I'll have to take some time listen to some of his stuff.

      Hang in there. British Lit isn't too bad. (Surely not as bad as World Lit... *shivers* That was a nightmare.)
