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Wednesday, September 10, 2014

More House Cleaning...

Hello Dreamers!

I know what you're thinking. You're thinking something along the lines of this:

"What? You're re-organizing again? What is wrong with you Aloisa?"

Yes! And... I don't know. Actually I do know! It's called perfectionism. It's where something is wrong and you know that it's wrong and it keeps bugging you until finally you decide to fix it. So I'm gonna fix it.

To make a long story short, I've got three things on the agenda today that we must get out of the way.

First, I'd just like to state that I don't actually hate the person Steven Moffat. In fact, he's a writer on two of my favorite shows, and I think he's utterly brilliant. I hold him in high regard, I think he's a genius and should never stop writing. That being said...
I'm not going to stop saying that "Moffat" is the cause of all my problems. It's just a fan girl thing, I can't rid myself of it. (The quotation marks are illustrating that I really don't mean the real Moffat.) I think Mr. Moffat gets enough of this sort of thing to still be able to sleep at night event though I use his name as if he's an evil plotter who kills all my favorite characters (did you know that Moffat has only "killed" off the Ponds and Eleven? That's actually the only characters he's killed on Doctor Who or Sherlock.). Actually, I think he may enjoy it.

Second, I'd also just like to state, that I don't hate you if you disagree with me on whether liking another girl is wrong or not... (I'm kinda referring to my small explosion a few weeks ago because of that Doctor Who episode...) I had a girl come up to me once and ask "So if I go and marry another chick are you gonna hate me?" I said no, of course not.
The Bible tells us that being with another girl is a sin (that is... if you're a girl). It also tells us that lying is a sin. And murder, and stealing and even coveting for heavens stake. My point is that everyone is a sinner. The Bible also says that once you're a sinner, you're a sinner in God's eyes. There isn't any grey area that differentiates between different "bad" and "not so bad" sins. So we're all the same. We all need Jesus and he loves all of us. And that's really the end of it.

Third, recently I realized that by Googleing my real name, this blog pops up... To make a long story short, I don't want this blog connected to my real name... Don't worry I have fixed the problem, but unfortunately fixing the problem means I have to re-post about 15 posts... All comments will be lost as will time stamps. If you scroll down past this post, you'll see I've already finished the rather tedious process and that I've added my own time stamp to the top of the re-posted posts. Sorry for any issues this may cause.

That's basically it.

Thanks for listening.
~ Aloisa Quintal



    1. Thanks! I'm still working on it. I'm hoping to add some drawn faces on the side bars (Like lotr characters or merlin or something)... but haven't quite figured out how i"m gonna do that because I don't wanna use people's pictures w/o asking...Especially for drawings like that. (I'm a horrible artist...)

    2. That'd be epic.... But yeah, a little hard....
