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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Sherlock Season 3: Episode 1 - The Verdict is FINALLY in!

Hello Dreamers!

I had the most exciting experience of watching Sherlock BBC Season 3: The Empty Hearse (Episode 1) last Sunday. (Sorry all ya'll that got to watch it sooner than I did. America is just slow.) Basically, I had a total blast eating KitKat's and drinking hot cocoa with my fellow Sherlockian, Pearl. And now I'm here to tell you exactly what went on in the most waited for TV episode of the century.
As you might have expected (just possibly), this episode features Sherlock's return. At the end of Season 2, Sherlock died before our eyes (no denying it), broke our hearts, and then in the last 30 seconds of the episode, it was revealed that he never really died. Thus a huge movement to discover exactly how Sherlock survived his fall off of a huge building was born. Well, BBC had some fun with this, and actually featured some rather exotic theories on how Sherlock might have survived.
Let's just say there was quite a bit of fangirling going on as we got to see scenes that never really happened. (Weird huh?) Essentially, Sherlock reveals to John that he is still alive...And he doesn't really prepare him before hand. It was rather awesomely Sherlock.
Let's just say John takes it well.
Sorry. Didn't mean to scar you there... Anyway...despite all the emotions running through the episode, there is, of course, a mysteryish type thing going on as well. A terrorist group is going to blow up parliament (did the Robert Downey Jr. Sherlock pop into anybody's mind??), and Sherlock has to stop them. He uses Molly to investigate with him *insert huge smile* while John is still mad at him and before it's revealed that Molly is engaged to this man:
*groans* I hate this guy. I don't even remember his name. Anyway...John eventually comes around, and...Well I don't want to spoil everything for you.
Obviously, the acting was amazingly brilliant. The emotions present in the episode were displayed fantastically well, and I love Mary!!!! I don't know what the huge fuss was all about. She's brilliant!
Again, the quality was obviously amazing. However, I would say that this episode had a different over all feel to it. I think it's partly because Sherlock's character seems slightly less cold and the episode's focus wasn't only the mystery like it usually is. (For obvious reasons) At first, that really bothered me, but I decided that it still had the overall charm and the changes to Sherlock's character really weren't that big of a deal. In fact I might even like them.
Content Advisory:
*sigh* I wish I didn't even have to put this here. This show is so brilliant if they could just...leave a few things out. The thing that struck me the most was a quick scene where John is working (I guess he actually has a doctor job now) and he's got a few patients that have some interesting issues going on. Basically, they have another one of those scenes where you really don't see anything, but...dang why did that have to be there? To be completely honest I was a tad bit confused during this part, so I don't think I really understood what was going on...It was rather sudden and was gone pretty fast. Just really frustrating. But if you're wondering, just know that it was rather similar to the Irene Adler scenes. Quick remote work could fix it though...
Anyway, they throw in an "accidental" middle finger too, but basically, these two scenes were strung together. You could ideally skip that whole thing and really miss nothing.
It borders on too much for me. So does The Scandal of Belgravia... I have a really hard time with stuff like this... I mean I wrestle with what's okay and what's not. Usually I am pretty strict, but then I let Sherlock slide. I need help. Anyway, if you plan on watching it, just brace yourself. Or if you want to know exactly where to skip, let me know.
Except for the couple of parts that really are best skipped, it was really good! Like I said at first Sherlock's willingness to play jokes really bothered me because before he was so cold. But then I realized that it was a pretty natural change for Sherlock's character and I think it makes sense. I'm really excited for the next episode which seems to feature John and Mary's wedding. I'll keep in touch.
 4 Fandom Points. Sorry Pearl, but because of that one part, I just can't give it a 5 and feel okay about myself.
~ Aloisa Quintal
"Killing me is so two years ago."


  1. Good review.
    Okay, maybe I'm the most oblivious person ever, but I actually have no idea what you're talking about in your content advisory. I didn't notice any weirdness with the patients themselves, just Mark's clever little trick of incorporating swearing without incorporating swearing. Well, anyway, I'm sure I'll be often rewatching this episode, so I'll probably see what you mean at a later point.
    Your gif made me smile, by the way. Is that bad?

    1. No that's good!!!! I'm glad something made you smile even though I gave it a lower rating and you have no idea what I'm talking about.

    2. Okay, now I'm seriously starting to wonder if I'm right. I just looked on Imdb and I can't find any evidence of it...starting to feel crazy now.

    3. What!!! How did you not notice that????? Consider me completely shocked that you didn't pick up on it... Unless I'm just imagining this...Somebody tell me I'm not crazy!!! Seriously though if that tiny little cut away hadn't been there, it would've been a 5. I loved loved loved this episode!!!!!!!

    4. Okay, I finally found that scene on YouTube and saw what you were talking about. You're not crazy, I just didn't see it because it's only onscreen for, like, a second.
      I remember you saying "um" at that part and me thinking it was because of something else.
      Molly's fiancé is named Tom, by the way. In other words, I think we can safely say she's marrying Lord Voldemort.
      Voldemort or Hiddles.
      But he's definitely not Hiddles.
      So I'm calling him Voldemort now.

    5. Told you! ;-)

      That is literally the best thing I've heard in a long long time. He's an evil Voldemort Sherlock spawn. *hisses*

  2. This post describes the episode PERFECTLY. :-D If only they left out the unnecessary parts..;-)


    1. Danka! Glad you agreed. :D

  3. I LOVE MARY!!!! I REALLY love Mary. More than Sarah. She is wonderful and amazing and I want her to stay forever. Oh, and SHerlock;s parents being there. I loved that part too. And him playing Operation with Mycroft. I laughed so hard.
    And poor Anderson's insanity, we all know how that feels.
    Can't wait for the next one, but the third one...not so much.

    1. Mary is the best!!

      I know. That last episode is going to hurt I'd bet. *braces self*
