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Monday, November 4, 2013

Robin Hood: For Hannah

Hey Guys!

I promised that I would write a post for whoever was the first to name the mysterious character in my last post. Hannah was the first one to do so, which makes this the post that I'm writing for her.

So Hannah, I've decided to write your post about Robin Hood.
It is probably due to the fact that you introduced me to this brilliant show that I connect it with you. And I don't think I considered it anything more than a show when I first began watching it. However, as I grew more and more attached to the amazing characters and the fantastically heroic story, I began to connect it with you for different reasons.
At the start of the show, Robin is kind of that classic loner character going through life with his best friend Much. They are returning from the war in the Holy Land changed by their crazy experiences there. No one knows exactly what that was like, and what horrors Robin and Much were forced to go through, but no one can deny that they came back stronger. They had gone from simple boys going to war to men who could be looked up to. They were already heroes.
When I first met you (it seems like ages ago), I think that's kinda how I saw you. An amazing author who had done things that I hadn't even dreamed of yet, simply going through life with your older sister Jessika. I'm not going to deny that fact that I looked up to you. Your stories were (and still are) beyond anything I'd ever heard and they inspired me. Because here was a girl defying the fact that writing is hard. Story weaving is so hard. And yet you still wrote. You forced yourself to forget the fact that only a very small percentage of books written ever get read and you wrote because you loved it. Not because you wanted to be like Susan Collins or JK Rowling.
And I think that's partly why Robin Hood is loved by so many. Because he chose to ignore the way that the Sheriff oppressed the people. He saw what was happening and didn't stay quiet. He fought against the ways of the world even though no one else was doing it. It's true, he was removed from society because of it. But he still didn't break. He could've stayed quiet, turned a blind eye and enjoyed his riches and his land, he might have even won back the Lady Marian with little or no trouble. But he didn't. He chose to say no and, because of his choice, things got hard. He was forced to live in the forest being hunted like an animal. So he gathered about him a few men who he would soon call his closest friends.
That's what you did. Going against society is hard. As a Christian that's what we're called to do. But we're not usually called to do it alone. There are many places in the Bible where it talks about supporting each other through fellowship. (I'm not fluent enough in my bible verses to help you out by giving you specific passages...sorry.) That's why men at war go in groups. Going in to fight the enemy on your own would be little more than stupid. Maybe that's not the way you saw our little group of friends when you first started it. But the point is that that's what it has become. These amazing people that you've brought together are like my own Robin Hood's gang. Because instead of fighting the world on my own, I've got three or four amazing warriors on either side of me. And I defy any force that tries to break those ranks.
I'll admit that things weren't easy for Robin and his gang or you and yours. We've lost a few on the way. Some went out with too much explanation and ended up hurting those they cared about. Some gave hardly any explanation and left us not understanding why. But I suppose that either way still hurts. It doesn't matter how that person leaves, it still hurts. Somehow though we've defied all the odds and have survived through it all. A few times in the past I wasn't sure. But I think I am sure of one thing now. This will never die.
Robin Hood never died. Think on that for a moment. Robin Hood never died. That statement defies all the odds, and even reality. But it's true. Because the enemy and death can take the body. But they can't take ideas, love, and ultimately life. Jesus won that battle for us.
This will never die.
Thanks, Hannah. For everything.
~Aloisa Quintal
"We are Robin Hood."


  1. We are Robin Hood. <3

    And Hannah totally deserves this.

    *And then that moment when you write that and Hannah's voice comes from behind you saying "Picks nose like a boss." And you wonder if anything is ever just inspiring without something like that to ruin the moment*

    1. Yeah well it came out way more rambly and confusing than I'd hoped...I didn't really have time to edit it...


    2. I think that the only thing you're missing is more pictures. ;-)

    3. About the picking nose the words of you, "Um, no comment." ;-P

    4. I know! I couldn't decide where to put more pictures...

      LOL! Perfectly quoted my friend.

  2. Oh gosh, I cried reading this. :-) Thank you....this was beautiful. Wow. There's nothing better than being compared to Robin Hood, eh? ;-)

    This will never die. <3

    1. <3

      Glad you were happy with it. :D
