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Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Upcoming Movie: Thor - The Dark World

Hey Guys!

So this is another movie that's coming out soon and I'm super excited about it!!!!! (I seem to get ridiculously excited about way too many things...) It comes out on November 8th.

Most of you know that Thor is one of my favorite superhero movies, so naturally, I'm SO psyched!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BTW, to all my Doctor Who fans, Christopher Eccleston (meaning the 9th doctor) is playing the villain in this movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Unfortunately he's got this mask thing covering his face so we wont get to see his fantastic grin...But we still get to hear his fantastic voice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

~ Aloisa Quintal


  1. Eep! *Fangirls enthusiastically over Christopher Eccleston for several minutes*

    I'm getting so excited for this movie! I hope that it utterly owns at the box office and makes "Man of Steel" look like the silly thing that it is. (Note: I haven't actually seen Man of Steel, so technically I'm judging unfairly, but being the devoted Marvel fan that I am, I am specially designed to view all DC movies with prejudiced distaste.)

    ECCLESTON!!!!! LOKI!!!!! THOR!!!!! Maybe we'll get really lucky and that white thing will turn out to be just a mask, which Thor will epically knock off, leaving Christopher Eccleston's face exposed and primed for grinning! That would be (everybody say it with me) FANTASTIC!!!!!

    Okay, I'm done now. Bye.

    1. That would be ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC!!!!!
