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Wednesday, June 19, 2013

For All You Whovians

I just watched Doomsday (the last episode of the second season of Doctor Who) and I am SO SAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *cries* I don't want to spoil anything, so if you plan on watching it and haven't already, then you may not want to read this next paragraph!

Spoiler Alert!

HOW CAN ANYONE BE AS AWESOME AS ROSE?!?!?!?! I LOVED ROSE!!!!!!! *Cries again* And now that I'm into the 3rd season, I HATE DONNA! But I really like Martha. Not as much as Rose, but she's still pretty awesome. BUT DONNA IS ANNOYING!!!!!!!! ARG DON'T LIKE HER AT ALLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!! (From what I saw of her)

Anyway, I made this poster...

And I'm decided to make a poster for each of the Doctor's companions.
Anyway, we'll see how long my like for Martha lasts...
~Aloisa Quintal


  1. So, did you actually cry? I'm sorry you had to watch alone.
    I never liked Donna. Of course Martha's nowhere near as good as Rose, but she was acceptable as Rose's replacement. Your poster is amazing. Did you come up with that awful and heartbreaking yet perfect "the girl who he loved but had to leave behind" line yourself?

    "I suppose it's my last chance to say it. Rose Tyler-"

    1. Pretty much. I was on the verge (spelling?) of tears. Techincally I wasn't alone...Brian watched it with me. And now he doesnt want me watching any without him, so watching them together might be an issue.

      I saw people using "the girl he loved" so I just added a second part. :P

      WHY couldn't he have finished?!?!?! SOOOOOO SAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
