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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe: Overview and Warrior Lessons

Hey guys!
If you got a chance to watch The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, than I must congratulate you. You have just entered the world of Narnia. If you've seen it before, than you have already experienced the joys of Narnia. If you haven't seen it yet, then I highly suggest you do. You also might not wan't to read this, since it will have plenty of spoilers. 
In this movie, four siblings, Lucy, Edmund, Susan, and Peter are forced to evacuate London due to the bombings of World War II. They are sent out to live in the country with their uncle, Professor Kirke. When the children decide to play hide and seek, the youngest, Lucy, comes across a magical wardrobe that leads her to Narnia. Eventually, Susan, Edmund, and Peter get into Narnia as well. And that is where the story begins.

First, You must understand that Professor Kirk, (the kids uncle), has been to Narnia before. He is the main character in the Magicians Nephew, Digory. He helped create Narnia, and unfortunately while he was there, he also helped create the White Witch Jadis. (Basically the "bad guy") 

In the beginning of the movie, Lucy, Susan, Edmund, and Peter have an interesting relationship, that changes over the course of the movie.
Quite often, it seems as though Peter and Susan feel as though it is their responsibility to take care of and protect the youngest child, Lucy. Peter and Susan don't get in conflicts with Lucy, but it is not uncommon for Susan and Peter to fight. Edmund however, is somewhat the middle child. He has fun teasing and arguing with Lucy his little sister. Peter and him are often fighting too.
I think that the lesson the Pevensies were meant to learn in this first adventure to Narnia, was how important family is. All throughout the movie, each character is learning this slowly. A line in this movie that suggests this lesson is from the Professors mouth himself. When Susan and Peter go to the Professor to ask about Lucy's "magical land", he says, "You're a family! You might just try acting like one!"

Peter: The lesson that Peter was learning, was probably patience and how important family is. From the start of the movie, Peter is always arguing with Edmund about things. I think that Edmund is often exasperating, but through Narnia, Peter learns that his brother is still one of the most important things in his life, and it's important to humor him. Through Narnia, Peter and Edmund grew closer to each other.

Susan: The lesson that Susan was learning, was to relax, have more faith in her brother Peter, and to believe in the impossible. When they first enter Narnia, Susan utters one of her most famous lines. "Impossible!" Throughout the children's adventure in Narnia, Susan is being shown things that in her eyes are "Impossible". It becomes clear that through Narnia, she learns that Santa exists, Lions can talk, and she can trust herself and others to get the job done. During the journey to Aslan's camp, Susan is constantly blaming Peter for everything that goes wrong. She blames him for Lucy falling into the river, and Edmund going to the Witches castle. However, when they arrive at the camp and Aslan asks where Edmund is, she takes the blame as well as Peter.

Edmund: Ed's adventure in Narnia results in him realizing how much he loves his family, and I think he learns that "brutally" teasing Lucy, isn't really the way to show that. Ed's character is put under a spell by magic Turkish Delight. (Which the Witch gave to him) The Turkish Delight (If you have read the books) is magic and gives Edmund a desire to get more Turkish Delight. A desire so big that he'll do anything to get some. Even betray his own family. Ed also gets much closer to Peter in the movie, probably realizing that Peter is trying to keep them all safe.

 In the end, the children are crowned Kings and Queens of Narnia. And as Aslan puts it, "Once a King or Queen of Narnia, Always and King or Queen of Narnia." Lucy is crowned the Valiant, Edmund the Just, Susan the Gentle, and King Peter the Magnificent. 

So anyway, that was my little biopsy of The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe. Let me know what you think was going on in this plot! I know you guys wanted pics, so I'll have a TON in the next post. (Which by the way is going to be on the great battle in the end of this movie!) 
~ Aloisa Quintal
P.S. Remember, Once a king or queen of Narnia, always a king or queen of Narnia.


  1. FOR NARNIA! AND FOR ASLAN! Sorry, couldn't help it. :-D Great post!

  2. *shouts with Hannah* FOR NARNIA AND FOR ASLAN!
