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Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Doctor Who: Season 8 - Into The Dalek (Episode 2)

Originally Posted 9/1/14 7:32 AM PDT

Hello Dreamers!

The episode begins with a girl named Journey flying in a spaceship (Star Wars style) with her brother while being shot at by a Dalek fleet. Her ship gets shot and explodes. And the Doctor happened to be in the right place at the right time. He saves Journey and takes her back to her command station, the Aristotle. Apparently, the Aristotle got a hold of a damaged Dalek somehow. Because this Dalek is damaged, it turns out to be a "Good Dalek". Instead of hating everything, it seems to want to destroy the Daleks. The humans aboard the Aristotle have some kind of shrinking technology which they want to use to send a miniature team into the Dalek to repair it. (I think the idea is that a "Good Dalek" would be a useful weapon against the Daleks) Before the Doctor agrees to do it, he goes and picks up Clara who has just met Danny Pink.

Through this episode we got to see a bit more of where Capaldi is going to take the show. Indeed, it does seem that the show is taking a bit of a darker turn with the Doctor's moral questions being left forebodingly unanswered (or, in this case, answered by a Dalek... never a good thing).
Capaldi seems to play a quieter Doctor. Ten and Eleven were more extravagant Doctors who displayed a sort of wacky, differentness. Twelve seems to be more of a quiet, I'm a Timelord appearance. People have been comparing his mannerisms to those of the Fourth Doctor.

And I just thought I'd mention, I was expecting to hate Danny Pink (I was and still am expecting a Clara/Danny relationship to erupt... it kinda already did...), but I am finding it hard to hate him... He was just so... awkward... and nice.

Excellent episode! I don't want to spoil anything, but I think this one will be getting full marks.

Content Advisory:
Literally nothing apart from usual Doctor Who sequences of peril. End of story. *happy dance*

The Rant Bit:
So.... this episode was amazing!!!! And I have nothing to complain about.
This episode was like a huge foreshadowing bulletin board. Very ominous.

First, we've got Danny Pink.
As I said above, I was expecting to not like this character because I shipped the Doctor and Clara back in the Smith era, but... he's proving difficult to hate. At the start of this episode, Danny has just become a teacher at the same school that Clara teaches at. Danny was apparently a soldier at one point in his life and his students are aware of this. One of his students ask if Danny has ever killed someone. Danny says, of course, he killed other soldiers (he says it more eloquently than that, but I'm paraphrasing. Then the student asks if Danny has ever killed someone who wasn't a soldier. The student's question is left hanging, we see tears in Mr. Pink's eyes and we are all left to speculate. Soon after, he is introduced to Clara as a lady killer (the introducer didn't mean it literally of course, but I think Danny's reaction "I'm not a lady killer" is significant). Clara hints at Danny taking her out and we get this hilarious scene where Clara asks a question and the camera cuts to like a few seconds later where Danny is saying what he should've said to his empty classroom. Then we see what he really said to Clara. He's so awkward. But kinda awesome...
BUT! The real question is, who did he kill?

Second, we've got the Doctor.
We've always got the Doctor. Twelve seems to be wrestling with convictions of who he really is. He asks Clara if he's a Good Man. Clara answers truthfully and says she doesn't know. This question later gets twisted around because the Doctor is trying to keep the "Good Dalek" a "Good Dalek". He ends up connecting his mind to the Dalek so that the Dalek can see the beauty of the universe. The Dalek sees this, but it also sees hatred in the Doctor for the Daleks. So the Dalek (nicknamed Rusty) still becomes a Dalek killing machine, but the Doctor's goal ultimately fails. He didn't make a "Good Dalek" he just redirected Rusty's hatred back onto the Daleks. He tells Rusty this and Rusty says "I'm not a Good Dalek. You are a Good Dalek." At the end of the episode, Clara continues her answer to the Doctor's original question by saying, "I don't know. But I think you try to be. Which I think is probably the point."
The question here is, what will Twelve's word be?? At first my money was on "Question" but he didn't say that at all this episode... so...

Third, we've got Missy.
So, it might be cheating, but I went ahead a looked up fan theories on who this woman is... Missy claims that the Doctor is her boyfriend... (plus Missy isn't exactly a creative name...), so keeping that in mind, here are the fan's theories.
She's the TARDIS. She's Rani (or another time lord). She's Clara (we did have all that stuff about the Doctor being/not being Clara's boyfriend). She's River. She's the Valeyard. She's the Master (I'm wondering about this theory...). She's a new character. Think about it and tell me what you think. (Maybe I'll get into Missy theories later...)

A lot of things going on. Looks like next week we're going to deal with medievalness and Robin Hood. *squeals*

5 Fandom Points, just as it should be. (And now we all get flashbacks to the Doctor and Rose Tyler traveling in the Tardis... just as it should be. Your welcome.)
~ Aloisa Quintal
"Where the hell have you been?"
"You sent me to get coffee."
"Three weeks ago!"

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