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Sunday, November 17, 2013

Thor: The Dark World - Official Review

Hey Guys!

I know this post is waaaaayyyyy overdue. Sorry about that. I kinda wish I'd written it right after I saw would've been better. Oh well.

Basically, to start, this movie was fantastically amazing. I loved it!!!! I actually got to see it the day before it was released because my friend got us some tickets to a Thor marathon for my birthday. We had a blast!!!!!!!! Between the fangirly screams and gasps and hyperventilating, we were probably the most excited people in that theater. It was awesome. AND I now own a lanyard proving I was there and a Loki poster which is somewhat next to my Jack Sparrow poster. Thanks, Pearl!

So, in this movie all of the universe is threatened by an evil plan that was created by Malekith (Christopher Eccleston, The Ninth Doctor!!!). Essentially he's looking for this powerful red stuff called the Aether. However, through a course of events derived from Jane's attempts to find Thor, the Aether ends up inside of Jane. Because Jane is human, it threatens her life by burning her up from the inside (sound familiar, Whovians?). Unfortunately, Thor can't kiss her to fix the problem in this story. ;-) Thor takes Jane to Asgard to try and help her, meanwhile Asgard is dealing with Malekith's attacks. As you might've guessed from the trailer, Thor goes to Loki for help. (insert fangirl scream)

My Assessment:
Everything was pretty much awesome. The effects were great, the acting of course was amazing, and Loki was FANTASTIC! The only problem I had with it was the end. I don't want to spoil anything for you, but it reminded me of that awful cliffhanger at the end of the second Pirates of the Caribbean. That one where all of a sudden the supposedly DEAD Captain Barbossa walks down the stairs? Yeah that one. You think that one thing is going on, and then in the last 5 minutes the entire plot of the movie was turned on it's head. Let's just say I have no clue as to which side Loki is really on. After I came to terms with the weird ending though, I decided that I love this movie. It made me love Loki SO much more!!!!! Be prepared for a movie teeming with Loki's sass. And maybe Captain America.

Content Advisory:
Nothing really important comes to mind here... It's a PG-13 movie, so there's violence, and action and all that. There's also a scene that had absolutely no purpose other than to show Thor shirtless. *to be read in a haughty voice* It was an obviously ridiculous scene that the film makers should be ashamed of. *steps off soapbox* Of course Thor and Jane kiss a few times, I don't remember if there's any language...I don't think so, but don't count me on that.

All in all I think this movie deserves a.... *drum roll*

8/10. Which puts it at the same level as Star Trek: Into Darkness. I think that's about right...

~ Aloisa Quintal
Thor: "She wouldn't want us to fight"
Loki: "Well she wouldn't exactly be shocked."


  1. "There's also a scene that had absolutely no purpose other than to show Thor shirtless." Well they couldn't exactly let themselves be one-upped by the first Thor movie, now could they? ;-)

    Can't wait to see this movie. Unfortunately we probably DO have to wait.... Highly doubt we'll be able to see it in the theater. Oh well.

    1. Hahaha! Yeah well, the guys next to us were snickering about how unbelievable it was. I mean it was kinda a random scene... Pretty funny...

      Well, let me know when you guys get to see it!!!

    2. See, in the first movie, the shirtless scene was vaguely justifiable because Thor was dressing in Midgard clothes. But here, it was just like, "Look, guys, Chris Hemsworth's got abs, lets display them."

    3. I think that they just think Chris Hemsworth is buff so they thought, "Ooh, I got a fabulous idea. Let's make it awkward for all the girls and make him have his shirt off! Awesome idea!"

      I suppose it is the only way any weird girl will even like Thor.... ;-P

    4. Hahaha! You guys are awesome...

  2. I agree with this rating. It would've been 10/10 if it weren't for the notable absence of Christopher Eccleston's teeth and THAT STUPID ENDING which I'm now actually totally okay with, thereby rendering my CapsLock pointless.....
    I'm really glad you got to with me. It was truly a day of epicness. :)
    I still haven't hung my Loki poster. I can't decide where to put it. :(

    1. My thoughts exactly. Plus I kinda felt that I couldn't put it above Star Trek cuz that was pretty awesome too...

      :( You should come up with somewhere. Or I'll help you find a place sometime...Or something. ;)

  3. I want to see it so bad!


    I must admit it.............

    NOT AS MUCH AS THE HOBBIT TWO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *dies with excitement*

    1. Yes I'm bubbling for excitement of that too. To be completely honest, so many things are coming out this winter that I will probably die of excitement...Pearl and I have been calling it the Winter of Breathlessness... Her idea really.

    2. Already died, it feels.


