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Thursday, March 28, 2013

Oz the Great and Powerful Review

So I went to go see Oz the Great and Powerful with my cousin a couple of days ago. Overall, I'd say that I enjoyed it fairly well. There were some things that were...odd. But if the rumor of them making another one is true, I'm somewhat looking forward to it.

Summary: (If you're planning on watching it, you may not want to read this section. I try not to spoil anything, but I'm not very good at preventing them.)

The movie starts off with Oz (his real name is Oscar, but he goes by Oz) preparing for a magic show. Part of preparing for this magic show involves tricking a pretty girl into believing that Oz is in love with her. Which is sort of...Weird. For obvious reasons. Anyway, after the magic show (that didn't end very well) Oz meets up with this girl that he obviously likes (for real) and she obviously likes him. However, she's there to tell him that she's going to marry someone else, and she wants his opinion. (I kept thinking that he seriously needs to learn how to take a hint!) Oz says she should marry the other guy *groan* and then they're interrupted by some guy gets angry because he finds out that his girlfriend (I'm assuming) has been spending time with Oz. So he chases him around the fair and Oz climbs up into his hot air balloon to "escape" the angry man. However, the plan backfires when a tornado sucks Oz and his balloon in.
Obviously, Oz ends up in...Oz. (Haha, that's fun to say) Anyway, the first person he meets is Theodora. She's a witch (pretty much a good one) who tells him about this prophecy that says he'll be king. Oz being the annoying character that he is, wants to be king and follows her to the Emerald City. Theodora and Oz have a relationship that moves INSANELY fast. (Probably because Oz is a player, and he's tricking her...) Anyway, somehow Theodora hints that Oz and her will rule over Oz together (meaning they'll get married) and Oz just sorta nods or something. (Real committal that one...)
So they get to the Emerald City and Oz meets Theodora's sister, Evanora. Evanora tells Oz that before he becomes king, Oz has to kill the evil witch. So Oz sets off to do so. To make a long story short...That's how it starts.

My Asssesment:
This movie was PG and was therefore pretty clean. I will say that there are hints that Oz has been around with girls. (i.e. 2 girls in the beginning, Theodora, Evanora) Now, children wouldn't pick up on this, but adults obviously do.

Relationship stuff was odd because Oz had one and a half "serious" relationships during the movie. First he and Theodora were acting all relationshipy, and Theodora was obviously in love with him. He, however, was obviously not in love with her. So Oz was tricking her. (Poor Theodora) The whole story really falls apart because Theodora takes her broken heart to new extremes.
Then, you realize that Glinda is the same actor as the girl from Kansas that he was in love with. So of course Oz seems to like her. Whether or not she likes him is debatable till the end scene...So Oz and Glinda end up.
Anyway, this bothered me because it felt like he had two relationships in the movie...It was weird.

The monkeys were a lot scarier than in the original, so little children might not be too thrilled about it...

Anyway, I totally side with Theodora. (though I really didn't like how juvenile she was in the beginning.) Glinda was just too good.

I'd probably give it a...5/10. The relationship stuff was just kinda...odd. Nothing bad...just...odd.

~ Aloisa Quintal


  1. Well, the Wicked Witch of the West's appearance is nice and traumatizing....
    Was the somewhat low rating due solely to the disagreeableness of the romantic relationships, or were there other things that you disliked as well?

    1. That was mainly the only reason...I gave Jack a 7 and it had to be lower than that so...yeah...

    2. You should post something new on here. Like a random short story as written by you. Or clips from Esther. Or a bitingly clever commentary on the current state of the fairy tale world. Or a nonsensical tale about a sock monkey's poor brother who falls in love with a porcelian doll princess who already loves a smarmy teddy bear. I suppose the sock monkey could just fall in love with her, but somehow making the lovestruck soul someone's poor brother makes it more interesting.
      Yes, I'm random. How are you?

    3. Sorry I didn't get this earlier...

  2. Huh. Sounds weird. I might watch it if it was placed in my hands (or if it was on the shelf at the library) but it doesn't look like something I'd be totally interested in. Ah well. (Plus, I don't like the Wizard of Oz at I don't know why I'd like a prequel....even if it had better graphics and stuff).

    Pearl: The real reason she didn't give Oz a better review is because Ewan McGregor isn't in it. ;-)

    1. Yes.... I think you may be on to something there.... ;)

    2. Haha totally! I mean HOW in the WORLD could I give a movie WITHOUT Ewan in it a higher review than one that did!

      Yeah it wasn't much like the original at all.
