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Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe: The Great Battle

Hey Guys!
You guys asked for a pictureful post, so here it is. This post is going to be about the great battle between the White Witch, and the Narnians. First to start it off,

Next, I'd like to point out that the soundtrack in this scene is EPIC!!!! The battle starts off with Peter and Edmund realizing that Aslan is dead, and they have agreed that Peter must lead them into battle anyway. Peter's first tactic, is sending out a scout (an eagle) to see how many enemies there are. He returns saying that "They've come your highness. In numbers and weapons far greater than our own." Peter's right hand man responds by saying "Numbers do not win a battle."
At this point, the witches forces appear over the hill in the distance. Seeing the enemies, Peter draw's his sword and points it up to the sky. His soldiers behind him begin shouting and taunting the other army. Jadis then sends forward her Giants and Dwarfs first saying that she has no interest in prisoners. Peter then points his sword to the charging enemies, and a huge number of eagles carrying rocks fly out from behind the hill. They fly above the enemies dropping boulders, smashing them in their ruin.
At this point, Peter asks his right hand man, (or right hand centaur) if he is with him. The centaur replies, "To the death." Peter then shouts the most epic thing ever! "For Narnia! And for Aslan!!!!" His unicorn rears up, and Peter charges across the valley to meet the Witch in battle.

I LOVE this Unicorn!!!!!
Peter slams his helmet shield down, and thrusts his sword into the crowds of the enemies. The battle seems to go okay until the Witch cues her polar bears to pull her into the battle.
Check out what she is wearing!!! Unfortunately, she is wearing a lion man around her neck. (I wonder who's...) Aslans! : '(

Edmund then cues the fire bird to help out. The bird flies between the Witch and Peter's army, creating a wall of fire between the two armies. However, the witch counters it again with her ice scepter, and clears the fire away.
Peter then pulls his army back to the rocks, hoping to gain an advantage. Edmund then has the archers shoot the enemies below the cliffs as they are chasing Peter's forces. Suddenly, Peter's unicorn is shot out from under him. *sniff*
Peter watches as the White Witch approaches him, taking her sweet time. Peter's right hand man burst out of nowhere and fought his way all the way to the Witch in order to protect Peter. Unfortunately, he frozen by the witches scepter. The Witch then continues to fight her way towards Peter. Edmund then sees the witch is heading towards Peter, and he jumps to rescue his brother. He slices her scepter in half, breaking her deep magic. After this, Edmund is stabbed in the stomach by the witch.
Peter seeing all this, screams "Edmund!" and charges the Witch engaging in a one on one sword fight with her.
Her dress is EPIC!!!!!!
As they are fighting, Aslan roars and the entire valley grows silent in shock. The Witch says "Impossible!" when she realizes that Aslan is no longer dead. Peter smiles in awesomness, and returns to fighting the witch. As the witch is about to kill Peter, Aslan knocks her down and kills her.

He finishes it by saying, "It is finished." Then Lucy, Susan and Peter all run to find Edmund who is struggling for breath in the grass. They heal him with Lucy's jar of potion, ending the Battle between the Witch and the Narnians.

~ Aloisa


  1. Love it! :-) I love all the pictures. Definitely do more of these!!!!

  2. Okay I will!
